Is it true that Tempur-pedic beds are overpriced memory foam mattresses?
Jun 19, 2009 1:14 PM
Joined: Jun 19, 2009
Points: 3
Ever since the Tempurpedic debuted its first mattress on TV, I've wanted one. My husband and I tried one out a few months ago, and we absolutely loved the Celebrity bed ($$$!!) but also could see ourselves loving the Classic mattress as well.

I've picked up snippets and tidbits here and there about how the majority of companies who have memory foam mattresses, otherwise known as "knockoffs" of the Tempurpedic, use the exact same material as TP but without the high costs. TP supposedly has a great marketing system and that's why they can sell their mattresses at the prices they've been selling them.

Is that true? If so, what memory foam mattresses rival that of TP?
This message was modified Jun 19, 2009 by mayyam

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