"It will biodegrade in as fast as a couple of weeks when exposed to the elements, completely turning to dust."
Nov 27, 2009 3:50 AM
Joined: Nov 25, 2009
Points: 93
elements i.e. humidity, sun, wind, rain... or maybe sandstorms & tornadoes!  i mean completely to dust, in a couple of weeks/  that is an extreme transformation.  The good news is it's decades if properly cased, so i doubt there would be anything to worry about in that regard.  But you have to respect their honesty to even include a statement like that.  I like it- you have to figure the natural claim is legit anyway, because that IS biodegradable.

but has anyone with all natural latex been surprised by any degration at all (ever found ANY dust if you've opened your cover)?  how many years, always used your cover, what climate? i always run my a.c., sun would never touch my bed. i wouldn't forsee any problems. just found that statement fascinating.


Re: "It will biodegrade in as fast as a couple of weeks when exposed to the elements, completely turning to dust."
Reply #1 Nov 27, 2009 8:47 AM
Joined: Nov 13, 2009
Points: 3
It is only in direct sunlight that latex will break down, and in much longer than two weeks to break down completey. Most materials degrade in sunlight however. The natural claim is true in terms of the positive impact on the environment and it is not necessary to be so careful. As long as the latex block is covered, a natural latex mattress will perform as new for many decades.

This should not be a major concern though. More importantly, you should focus on getting a mattess made with good quality natural latex and without filler. Whilst this company appears to be very honest, be careful on others. The problem with natural latex is that some less scrupulous manufacturers / suppliers will add filler to the latex making it much less durable leading to a customer that purchases such a product to believe that natural latex itself is not durable. This happened a long time ago in Europe when a sand type filler was added to natural latex to lower the cost, causing it to crumble and leading the ordinary consumer to think that natural latex itself was inferior.

DO NOT buy from anyone that does not allow returns. If a supplier does not have confidence in what should be a great product, it is most certainly because there is something wrong with it! Generally Sri Lankan origin should mean a good quality. Others can be too but you may need to be more careful.

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