I've slept all over town
Apr 14, 2008 8:22 PM
Joined: Apr 15, 2008
Points: 25
hehe.  Not really, saw that on another site and laughed.  Been watching this forum for awhile.  Am as obsessive about research as I am about finding a solution to my bed problems.  Wanted to know if anyone has seen the website www.naturalsleepproducts.com ???  They have the same ergosoft stuff as absolutecomfort does. But for $160 !!!!  Anyone have exprience with this site or topper ???  Thanks!
Re: I've slept all over town
Reply #12 Apr 18, 2008 3:45 AM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 395
That's $150/in king size.
Re: I've slept all over town
Reply #13 Apr 18, 2008 8:47 AM
Joined: Apr 15, 2008
Points: 25
Hi Everyone,

thanks for the input everyone.  I am waiting on my samples from AbsoluteComfort, before I pick their 2" or Sleeplikeabear 1" 24ild.  My mattress is weeks old, without anything on it, it does not bow.  On scale of 1-5, it's a 1 for firm.  I tried the two eggcrates together, both ways.  It was a combo of too soft of cheap foam going down to the firmness.  So I definitely need a new topper.  I shaved off some of my soft memory pillow.  Don't know if it's that, or I'm adjusting to the firmness, or drinking less water in the evenings.  But I'm sleeping better, and on my back more!  Weird!  I'll starting a new post on what I found out about Naturalsleepproducts.  Thanks everyone!

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