Just a heads up in case you come across this. I've mentioned them previously and that there was a "history" here but the Dremata site is active again (it went dead shortly after my previous phone calls outlined in another earlier thread). They are also connected to Green Mattress Factory, Quilting inc (their supplier which was also dead and has come back) and possibly others. Another old site was www.livefortomorrow.com which is still dead and www.greenmattresses.com which was dead but now leads to http://www.liveforamerica.com/ which looks like it is "getting ready for action". There are also some very good sites that are not connected to any of these with similar names so be careful in differentiating them. I discovered that Dremata was active again while I was reading an ezine article which linked to them (which was actually very good) and so thought I would check on what else had come back or popped up. There almost certainly are others. Do your homework carefully first if you come across these. They look good ... but ... Phoenix This message was modified Dec 3, 2010 by Phoenix
Re: Just a HEADS UP Wisconsin
(Dec 12, 2010 5:16 PM) -
Re: Just a HEADS UP Phoenix
(Dec 12, 2010 5:36 PM)