Just looking for sympathy and any advice
Jul 9, 2010 12:12 PM
Joined: Jul 7, 2010
Points: 13
My husband and I slept on an $800 Simmons mattress for 9 years and it was just fine - I would fall asleep and wake up in the exact same position.  But about a year after I had twins, my whole body would ache in the mornings for about an hour until I would "wake up".  Sometimes I would have a bad back ache, too - not lower back, upper/middle.  Since our mattress was 9 years old at that point, I thought maybe we just needed a new one.  It go so bad that finally we just ran out one afternoon and picked one out from a local store - exactly what we had done the first time.  BIG MISTAKE!

It felt fine in the store, nice and firm. But when I slept on it, I woke up in so much pain that I literally had to sleep on the sofa for three nights until I could find the time to get to the store to pick out a different one to do an exchange (we were allowed one exchange).  I had to pick it out because my husband can sleep on just about anything.  In fact, he had no problems with the old mattress to begin with. I was told that all their mattresses had the same core, and the only difference was the amount and type of padding on top.  So I just picked one that had a little more padding.

After sleeping on it a few nights, I realized that it was better than the firm brick, but it was just as bad or worse than our original "old" mattress.  Needless to say I was very upset.  I have just been dealing with it the past year, but now when I wake up it feels like I am sleeping in a hammock - both my husband and I have our own little trough with a hump in the middle.  I desperation, a couple of weeks ago I was able to get our futon swapped with our mattress. (we have a platform bed, no box spring).  Our guest have all uniformly said the futon was really comfortable.  It is definitely better than the bed - at least it is flat all night long. But it has a strange feeling - it feels squishy on top, but when you sit down it's firm - like it has a hard middle and really squishy top.  After a week of that I went out and bought a Therapedic 3" memory touch topper.  Smells terrible.  It, too, feels really soft, but wen you lay down on it it feels much firmer.  But when you wake up it feels like it has softened in the night, and it's also rather warm.  Overall, the futon with the topper is much better - I actually slept through the night last night, which is quite rare any more.  But I still have a tendency to roll over onto my stomach about 4am and it's still about 50/50 whether I wake up stiff and aching or not.  I can still return it, so I'm thinking of getting a latex topper and trying that.

I still have this Serta mattress - I was going to try to sell it.  Would it be worth doing surgery on it?  Is it the springs or the foam on top that is causing the sagging?  If the springs are really still good, I could maybe take out the foam and replace it with latex.

Or I could just get a latex topper and try that instead of our memory foam one.  3" seems about right. I'd like it to be a bit firmer than the memory foam, but I have no idea what ILD our current memory foam is - I emailed Therapedic to ask, but they haven't replied yet, and there was no phone number on their website.  I wouldn't want to pay more than about $300 for a topper and I'd like to be able to return it if it didn't work out.

I would LOVE to get an all new latex mattress, but it's hard to swallow that after blowing so much money on our last mattress!


Any comments are appreciated - I guess I'm just wanted to vent a bit, and maybe get some suggestions.


Oh, and in case it might help, I am 5'11" 240lbs, and my husband is 5'"6 160lbs.


Thanks for any advice. ;-)






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