KD Foundation question
Oct 24, 2011 6:07 PM
Joined: Jul 17, 2011
Points: 10
hi, I have a Natures sleep KD foundation like this one http://www.firstclassmattress.com/KD-knock-down-Foundation-by-Natures-Sleep_p_137.html (this one has a covered bottom).

I'm interested in putting some type of solid top on the foundation. I wanted to say away from plywood (seems like overkill), but noticed sheets of 1/8" tempered hardboard from Lowes. They have solid sheets and sheets which look like pegboard. I figured if I used the pegboard looking stuff it may be able to still breathe. (I know still not much). The 1/8" thickness will also allow to it be placed inside of the foundation cover.

My question is does the latex or foam have to breath? I know i've seen some say yes or no. Is there any risk of mold? What is the deal with some of the Sealy foundations causing mold?




This message was modified Oct 24, 2011 by theUsername
Re: KD Foundation question
Reply #1 Oct 26, 2011 5:42 PM
Joined: Jul 17, 2011
Points: 10
ok now i'm mad...

my king size bed requires two twin xl foundations, which can only be at most 38 5/8" wide. This measures 39" wide. So now i have to disassemble.

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