Keetsa Mattress vs. Natura Mattress
We are looking into buying either the Keetsa (non-toxic) Green leaf supreme mattress or the Natura Serene mattress, just because they are the only healthy mattresses that I could find in our price range in the Houston area (if anyone knows of any others in town please let me know). I am hesitating on the Keesta because I have read several reviews on other sites about the odor the mattress gives off, they say it is not toxic but ones has to wonder. Also, them being manufactured in Chine bothers me some, because I am not sure if they follow the same standards as the US. Does anyone have any first hand experience with this particular mattress. If so I would love to hear your review of the mattress regarding the odor, quality, etc.. The other option we are looking into is the Natura Serene mattress, this seems to be a new mattress, because I can not found any reviews on it. I am more familiar with this company, so feel a bit more comfortable buying it, but would love to hear anyone's review of the mattress. Thanks! |
Re: Keetsa Mattress vs. Natura Mattress budgy
(Oct 25, 2010 12:40 PM) -
Re: Keetsa Mattress vs. Natura Mattress Phoenix
(Oct 25, 2010 1:26 PM) -
Re: Keetsa Mattress vs. Natura Mattress DianeK
(Oct 25, 2010 3:44 PM) -
Re: Keetsa Mattress vs. Natura Mattress Relaxo
(Oct 25, 2010 6:22 PM)