Kingsdown and Sex
Nov 19, 2008 8:40 PM
Joined: Nov 20, 2008
Points: 1
Hi all,

I have a lot of sleep troubles, and shoulder pain at night, so I've been wanting to get a softer mattress, and I was particularly interested in the Kingsdown mattresses.  However, since I've always slept on a traditional mattress, I've never had sex on one of these softer mattresses.  It seems to me that something like Kingsdown which conforms to your body would not be good for sex since you would just push your partner into the mattress, and they wouldn't come back up, or perhaps the knees would sink in like I've heard people complain about the Tempurpedic beds. Can anyone owns or has had sex on a Kingsdown please comment on this? It's actually an important thing in buying a mattress, and I'm surprised I don't see much consideration for it on the internet. Thanks.

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