lates mattress foundation
Feb 22, 2011 1:59 PM
Joined: Feb 22, 2011
Points: 1


I was offered a good price on S&F ZENBODY PURE latex mattress from SleepCountry but I can't find ANY information about this mattress on the Internet. They also told me that if I don't want to damage the mattress, I can not use the slate foundation that my bed has and I have to cover it at least with plywood. That contradicts the response from DeweyAtFloBeds about their store policy of latex mattress "must" be placed on slated foundation or a sping box (not an option for me).

Can anybody let me know if they know more about the specific mattress and the slated vs plywood foundation for the latex mattresses?

Thank you all.

This message was modified Feb 22, 2011 by sleeplikedead
Re: lates mattress foundation
Reply #1 Feb 26, 2011 7:51 AM
Joined: Jun 19, 2010
Points: 17
Sorry I can't offer any specific help but was wondering if the lack of response is due to a possible misspelled word that may be leading to confussion.  Slate = is a rock material and you may have ment slat, a long thin piece of material.  Maybe you can clarify.

IMO too much difference in kinds of constuction to apply the reccomendations of one company to another's product.

Re: lates mattress foundation
Reply #2 Mar 3, 2011 7:35 AM
Joined: Feb 24, 2011
Points: 4
I just got this mattress S F Zen Pure. This seam to the highest quality product sleep country carries( being 9" of smart latex). I find this matrress  to be fine but my wife  calls it a utility mattress because of its firmness ( she is a side sleeper). Im  in the process of trying to soften up her side with some Toppers from Sleep like a bear.

I believe that a slat or board  foundation is the way to go with a foam  mattress from reading posts and using a box spring with a  s f latex matress ( not a latex core) in the past (both matress and box spring being replaced under warranty within 5 years)

Hope this helps


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