Latex Foam Search
Mar 18, 2011 4:33 AM
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." ..... Albert Einstein
Joined: Mar 18, 2011
Points: 29
Did a bit of searching online to determine what kind of mattress would be best suited for a big guy over 350lbs with back issues, sleep apnea and a wife of 130lbs. I decided to go with latex foam and headed for the local Shelton, CT Sleepy’s.

I asked Scot the salesman to show me the latex options and he proceeded to ignore my request and steered me towards the Sleep to Live inner springs. I reminded him that I was interested in latex and he tried to dupe me into believing that the STL had latex in it.

Then he tried to steer me into an adjustable bed and said it would cure my sleep apnea. Hey, pal, I may have been born at night but it wasn’t last night. I headed off to the Dr Breus aisle. After doing the taste test on them, I had him give me some prices. He was very determined to sell me the Sleep to Live and I practically had to beg him for prices on the Dr Breus. I liked the option of being able to split the mattress zones in the STL but I was intent on latex.

Anyone have any luck finding latex with split zones for the wife’s preferences vs mine? Now I’m off to Google to research all of the above a bit futher….

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