Latex habit of bumping against your body?
Oct 24, 2011 12:10 PM
Joined: Oct 19, 2011
Points: 38
I don't know but does all types of latex bumps against your body?

If it does it is creating more pressure and how can that be pressure relieving?

Someone please explain this contradiction.

Re: Latex habit of bumping against your body?
Reply #1 Oct 24, 2011 12:54 PM
Joined: Dec 13, 2009
Points: 26
Latex is not for everybody.  You think there is push back with a latex bed..try a latex pillow, it's like sleeping on a balloon.  LOL.
Re: Latex habit of bumping against your body?
Reply #2 Nov 1, 2011 7:42 AM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
I call it rebound.  It isn't pressure, it's just bouncy.  Latex is great because it doesn't break down as quickly as other foams do.  But because of this quality, it seems bouncy. 

One thing you can do is cover it with a couple of inches of P/U or other foam for also dampens the bounciness of the latex without removing the good qualities.  I just had my bed foam replaced with a layer of latex covered by 3" of p/u foam and it is sleeping great.  I can tell it is more buoyant than just p/u foam alone, but it is not bouncy.


Re: Latex habit of bumping against your body?
Reply #3 Nov 7, 2011 5:14 PM
Joined: Nov 7, 2011
Points: 7
What is P/U foam?
Re: Latex habit of bumping against your body?
Reply #4 Nov 7, 2011 5:25 PM
Joined: Sep 30, 2011
Points: 60
lonnyc wrote:

What is P/U foam?

Polyurethane.    Generally considered the cheap stuff (I think, I am newbie trying to learn).


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