Latex/lux-HQ diy. Love it. Hate it.
Apr 12, 2010 11:15 PM
Joined: Mar 22, 2010
Points: 19
Ive constructed my diy mattress with 4" lux-HQ (base), 3" medium latex(middle), 2" soft latex(top). All latex is blended latex.

Ive been sleeping on this for about 3 wks now. Im not sure what to make of it.  Most nights Ive slept good. I dont feel like Im floating on a cloud, or hearing angels sing, but I slept good. But on one of night I woke and felt like the mattress was to hard. I was totally uncomfortable. Then followed more nights of comfortable sleep. But, again, this morning, I woke at 4am and felt like I was laying on the ground.

How do I fix this. Or do I need to? Give it more time?

