Latex Mattress - All Latex or foam base?
We are looking at getting a new mattress. I like the layered Latex mattresses but I am wondering if the base (bottom of the mattress, not the box spring) really needs to be latex as well. I liked an Ikea mattress that was foam with a latex topper. Does the latex in the base really make a differance? Maybe it lasts longer? Any one purchase one like this?
Thx |
Re: Latex Mattress - All Latex or foam base?
I am a DIY guy, using FBM products. I used their high-quality LUX-HQ and HD36-HQ polyurethane foams for my core, *even though* I actually had a 6" latex core (of unknown type and ILD) from an old mattress I disassembled. |
Re: Latex Mattress - All Latex or foam base?
Foam By Mail ("FBM") recommended against it, when I posed that query. The gal indicated it would interfere with the ventilation of the latex and thereby dampen a major benefit of shelling out the extra for latex, anyway. I presume this is due to a lack of the larger holes in the formation of the PU foam sections, that you can see on the latex pieces. So, I suppose if you like a warmer bed, that might not be such a big deal. Of course, consider the source. They may just wanted to have increase their sales, now or in the future. I have read claims of latex lasting longer than the regular foam, but the "HQ" foam at FBM advertises a pretty sufficient lifespan. I was planning to do a regular foam base layer, but now I've decided to just order 1" latex layers from FBM and stack them until I'm satisfied. With free-shipping-on-$75, it's the most efficient thing I could figure out. I don't need the extra height from a regular-foam layer, anyway as I've bought a tall/storage bedframe. Good luck,
Amy |