Latex mattress *causing* pain?
Oct 17, 2009 5:55 AM
Joined: Mar 1, 2009
Points: 5
So back in March I purchased from FBM a six-inch firm latex mattress and a two-inch medium topper. It was great, and I had no problems whatsoever. About two months ago, however, I went to Costa Rica and injured my lower back surfing. Now, over the last 4-6 weeks or so, I've started having uncomfortable lower back pain after about 7 hours of sleep (very difficult to go past 7 hours no matter how tired I am). It feels almost like muscle aching, and is low down, and covers a wide area -- basically the entire lower back support muscles. (My girlfriend has always had a similar problem in my bed.)

I tried taking off the medium topper, thinking it might harden the bed some and fix the problem. No change. I'm a side sleeper, but I've tried sleeping on my back some and that also yields no noticeable difference.

Any idea what is going on here?

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