Latex Mattress Creation Question
Aug 5, 2011 9:23 AM
Joined: Jul 5, 2011
Points: 20

I saw a guy explaining mattress making 101. He stated that foams tend to break down faster if they're not glued together. So it got me thinking (I know it can be dangerous), would not gluing together layers of a latex mattress cause per-mature degradation of the mattress components? I would hate to think that I would pay the price for Talalay latex and have it destroyed before it's time.

Any comments …....indecision

Re: Latex Mattress Creation Question
Reply #1 Aug 8, 2011 7:04 AM
Joined: Mar 15, 2011
Points: 6

the foam shouldn't break down any faster if it is not glued. He may be implying that if shifting is a possibility, this may happen. Even then, the foam should not break down much faster.

As long as you have a tight (zippered) cover to hold everything in place, you will be fine.

good luck!

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