Latex mattress - is it good for people with low back pain then memory foam mattress?
Feb 4, 2010 3:19 PM
Joined: Jan 23, 2010
Points: 64
I have low back pain due to herniated disc.

question 1: I want to know if latex mattress is good for people with low back pain?

question 2: and how?

question 3: how does it feel to sleep on it?

question 4: will I have the aches like I do when I sleep on sealy posterpedic mattress?

question 5: Or will latex support my body and provide pressure point relief? (don't know what pressure point relief is actually)

question 6: Now what do you think about latex mattress versus memory foam mattress suitability for people with low back pain.

Thanks so much. God bless.
This message was modified Feb 4, 2010 by lowbacpain
Re: Latex mattress - is it good for people with low back pain then memory foam mattress?
Reply #11 Feb 5, 2010 6:40 PM
Joined: Jan 10, 2010
Points: 42
All of us with back pain are different; you cannot simply choose a bed because it worked for someone else.  You can read and study the quality and composition of mattresses but at the end of the day all that matters is whether it works for you, and you can't figure that out from reading.  Unfortunately you'll have to work through this yourself. 

For lower back pain, yes, firm is usually recommended.  But not everyone has the best result with a firm mattress.  I don't myself care for tempurpedic but some people with back pain love them. 

I recently bought a flobeds.  We're still evaluating it.  With the current configuration my back pain seems a little better and my husband's is a little worse.  But the whole reason for choosing flobed is so we can fine tune it, and I imagine well be trading in layers soon.

Re: Latex mattress - is it good for people with low back pain then memory foam mattress?
Reply #12 Dec 17, 2018 11:41 PM
Joined: Dec 18, 2018
Points: 2
Yes, Refresh latex mattress is good for people with low back pain then memory foam mattress.

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