Hi All, First post here! I just discovered this forum and it's nice to see a group of knowledgable people helping each other out with something as difficult as mattress shopping! We've been looking at all types of mattresses and found we don't like Tempurpedic, like the Sleep Doctor - Dr. Breus all latex bed (know anything about this bed - type of latex, will it get body impressions, etc.?), and like the Sealy / Simmons innerspring with latex topper beds. But, I like the idea of an all-latex bed, yet they're pricey, I don't know what type / quality of latex is used in these and whether it will hold up, and I hear horror stories (user reviews) of the mattresses developing cavities / body impressions that lead to people sleeping in a valley... I want to avoid that! Anyway, I'm intrigued with the comments here about things like SleepEZ 10,000 beds where you can customize the latex layers and adjust as needed (but still kind of pricey) as well as the idea of building our own bed as many have done (again, to customize our bed to fit our needs, make sure we're getting good quality latex that will last, and also hopefully save some money). But, I have no idea what I'm doing and would need a lot of help. Can you guide me in this process? We'd like to stay below $2,000, but can go up a bit if necessary. I think I'd like my mattress right in the middle for firmness / softness, and my wife would probably like a bit more soft (I'm 5' 11" and weigh 150). I have some low back pain and not the greatest posture. Little pain with my wife, but she doesn't sleep well.
As an alternative, are there good, reasonably priced talalay latex mattresses we could consider that won't have the cavity issues? Unfortunately, no IKEA, no Original Mattress Factory, and it seems like a lot of the others are online only so we can't try them out. I'd be nervous to try it (and people seem to think they're too firm in user reviews), but there's these E.C.O. Natural Latex mattresses for cheap at Overstock - $750 - but no returns accepted. We have a 14 year old innerspring queen mattress (Serta - medium-firm) that's due to be upgraded and we're getting a king bed this week (no mattress yet!), so anything should be an upgrade. Thanks in advance for any help! Take care, --Kyle This message was modified Sep 19, 2010 by kyley
I would be careful about going with Sealy/Simmons/Serta (any "S" brand). All of these tend to use cheap foam on top and the cavities you fear will form. 100% latex does not tend to have those problems, so it will last much longer. I would avoid things that call themselves latex, unless you are 100% sure you know what goes into them. Some have 3" of latex and the rest is regular foam. So, to a certain extent you get what you pay for. If you buy a sleepez, foamsweetfoam, flobed, etc you are getting good quality 100% latex inside and it comes with a zippered cover (usually with wool in the top). Plus you can change the layers and have each side different. I would work with the seller on what layers to get. S/M/F might be a good starting point for your wife. Some people with back issues find that too soft, so not sure if it would work for you. I would not get too hung up on that at this point. Try to test out a 100% latex if you can just to see if you like the feel. Not all people like it. The quality of some of the cheaper latex mattresses might not be as good, but that does not mean you would not be happy. A bit of a gamble though if you can't return. You just need a firm base that ideally is breathable (so moisture/mold does not build up on the latex). So, wood slat type ones are pretty good for that. Some have some ability to adjust the firmness in certain areas of the slats. Those cost more, but can add another level of customization.
Thanks Sandman! That's part of the conclusion I was coming to based on reading user reviews - that the S mattress manufacturers (apparently) don't use quality latex or memory foam and that's why so many complain of body impressions, etc. Good to hear that the 100% latex ones will not have such problems. As for trying one out, unfortunately, I can't find a place locally that for sure has all talalay latex. I asked about the Dr. Breus Bed, which we liked, and the salesman told me it's natural Talalay latex, but that it has soy-based foams in the base (not sure exactly what that means). And he couldn't tell me how thick the Talalay latex was :( Returns are exchange only, 15% restocking fee, and can only do one (and delivery is charged as well). Total cost would be about $3k to begin with. So, not liking that option too much... I looked at the sites you mentioned - FloBeds look great, but end up being pricey ($4k delivered - great, but pricey base options)! FoamSweetFoam doesn't look quite as customizable (left / right side of the bed, foundation options, etc.), but would cost less than $3k. SleepEZ seems the lowest of those 3 ($2,500 for the 10,000 plus base), is customizable, and they allow layer exchanges with no charge (except shipping) during the 90 day period. No restocking fee on returns, but I can't imagine the shipping charge for returning the entire bed... Some offer a convoluted topper - would it be a good idea to get this? I also looked at building our own with FoamByMail. Do you think this would work well:
So, I'm leaning towards building our own from FoamByMail (any other places I should consider?) - or ordering from SleepEZ.com. I'm a little concerned about quality and the lack of customization options with the FoamByMail option though (but like the opportunity to save some $). Any thoughts on this? Take care, --Kyle |
Keep your 14 year old mattress. Just in case nothing else works out keep your old mattress, I am glad I did. Have you tried eggcrate before? I have, and I don't care for it. If you have looked at pics for FBM they have some flaws and not sure where they are made. Latex International is the best for latex, in my opinion. Lots of us have issues still with latex, and other beds. Not sure you will find the "perfect" answer. Not sure if it is an aging body, as you know when we were young we could sleep on anything. If you are young you can sleep on anything
Good luck.
I agree with the previous poster - try to keep your old mattress until you are reasonably satisfied with the new one. The quality can vary quite a bit with FBM. Although, some is just visual imperfections which might not affect use. Also, there seems to be some dispute over the firmness levels they quote. Some say the soft is firmer than 20ILD (and possibly not even talalay latex). It is generally agreed here that Latex International makes high quality talalaly latex (blended and 100% natural). If you want to use FBM, it is probably best for the base and intermediate levels. However, I might suggest you only get 2" of the medium and at least 2" of softer. I am not sure how firm you want it. Most sidesleepers seem to want something fairly soft on top - like 2-3" of memory foam or soft latex (20 or less). I don't really trust the soft FBM, but might work for you. Sleeplikeabear has the best selection for 1-2" various firmness of blended and 100% natural talalay. I think blended is a fine product, one user here says that it is all he will use now. I would also note that the 6" base level will be a heavy unwieldy thing (not sure what size you are getting). 2 3" pieces might be better. Shipping back a Sleepez mattress (not sure about foundation) is a hassle, but probably not as expensive as you think. It will come in several UPS boxes. I shipped back a 11" queen layered mattress for a little over $100. Not sure about the eggcrate. There are some latex ones out there as well. There a fairly recent thread on that. Your old box spring might work if pretty firm, but I doubt it at 14 years old. You could put a board over it as a temporary fix, but not the best long term solution (lack of breathing). The issue you may encounter is that you might need some trial and error to figure out what you want. Plus you may want to customize both sides. Or you may want to return the whole thing. Dealing wiht those issues are part of what you pay when you buy from Sleepez or one of the others. |
Thanks. We will keep the old mattress b/c we're upgrading from a queen to a king :) We're putting the queen in our guest room. I had no idea if getting the eggcrate was a good idea or not - I guess probably not (just saw someone else was getting it). I don't have a problem sleeping on my current mattress, my back pain is more from sitting at a computer desk all day than issues with the bed, etc. We're looking at a latex bed just because we're upgrading to a king, and we think we could have a more comfortable night's sleep (perhaps less tossing / turning), and my wife does have some issues sleeping but I don't think it really has much to do with the bed. I did see a thread with pictures of damaged foam from FBM - that does cause some concerns - I guess it depends on if it's just cosmetic. I went to Latex International - I guess they don't sell to consumers, but they supply SleepLikeABear, FoamSource, etc. Those sites all look pricey. Maybe SleepEZ is the best value (even though it's still well above my target of $2k). Can anyone confirm if their talalay latex is good quality? SleepLikeABear does have a lot of options too choose from (enough to make my head spin!) :) I think you may have a good idea in getting the cheaper FBM for the base (I don't see an option for 3" firm though - so probably 6" or nothing?). I also thought about the E.C.O Talalay Latex from Overstock.com - 8" firm for $650. Then get a layer or two from SleepLikeABear? Here's what I'm thinking:
Here I'm not much better (pricewise) than SleepEZ, but maybe I'd get a better mattress pad, maybe better top two layers, perhaps not as good on the bottom layer? What do you think? As an alternative to the 6" Firm FBM, for the base, I could do:
Think the 3" Talatech would be a better choice than the 6" FBM talalay? Thanks again, This message was modified Sep 20, 2010 by kyley
Not sure if you read this thread about FBM purchase. Seems like it worked okay. Here is another. If you search on FBM latex and go back in time, you might find other information. You may want to start with less, like the first 9" or so and then try to decide what you need from there. The hard part is getting the top comfort level right for both of you, but once you have 9" or so you may be fine or decide you need more. I tried the Celsion once and did not really notice it stayed any cooler than the blended. It felt cooler when initially laying on it, but warmed up just the same. One poster found it made there innerspring cooler, but they put it on top and were not comparing it to other types of latex. So, hard to say if it is worth the benefit. So, you would be adding twin XL pieces on top? 2 of those will be slightly less wide than a king? This message was modified Sep 21, 2010 by sandman
kyley, wh are you wanting the SleepEZ foundation? I bought one because I needed Twin XL and couldn't find one locally without waiting, but if I were to do it over again, I would probably get something else. My twin xl came in 3 sections. |
Hi Guys, Thanks, good info and good info in the FBM threads. Sandman, I wasn't sure on the size to get. Thanks for pointing that out - I need Twin XL - not Twin! :) cynicaljones, I hadn't looked into the foundation much yet. What do you not like about yours? I just found what looks like the same foundation on Amazon.com here and here for about $80 less :) I also found these steel mattress platforms for only $195 shipped with good user reviews (but maybe a lot of people are reviewing it as a guest bed option) - similar one for $220 at SleepLikeABear. Anyone know much about them? Here's another wood one for $225 shipped. What platform / foundation would you recommend? Thanks again, --Kyle |
What I don't care for about mine is the three sections thing. That was not what I was expecting when I ordered. It was probably too much money for what it is and I would probably have done better by waiting for a good platform bed or something. Plus I also got a lousy metal frame to put it on, which is part of my problems with it. That metal frame has been mentioned by people on this forum (myself included), and there are some who do not recommend it. |
Hi All, I'm close to making a decision (at least, I *need* to make a decision)... Can you help with that decision? First of all, which would you suggest - 9" of higher quality latex or 11" with more than half of that being from FBM?:
Price is about the same either way. With the first option I get everything from the same source, but would 9" be enough? Next, I have to decide the firmness of the layers... My wife will want it a little softer than I will. I'd like it fairly soft at least on top. What should we go with for the layers (we're side sleepers, I weigh about 150, my wife a bit more)?
What do you all think? Sorry for so many questions. Thanks for your help, --Kyle This message was modified Sep 23, 2010 by kyley
As others have posted and in my personal experience FBM has some questionable latex. They are by no means a bad company. My experience in ordering with them was very positive except for the latex quality. They have the cheapest price by far. Shipping was free and only took a week. Customer service (lauren through email ) was very helpful in talking about the problem i was having and returning one of the items (within 30 day return policy). Funds were back in my account 2 days after I shipped it back. The main issue and the most important is the latex quality. I ordered 3- 1 inch pieces of latex. The latex is not of even consistency. It is more dense in certain areas then others. A dime sized piece would be firm to touch when you squeezed it then right next to it you could squeeze the whole inch of latex with barely any pressure and your fingers would touch. This was throughout the whole latex piece. If more soft dime sized pieces were in one area then that whole area was much softer then say the outer edges which I noticed were much firmer and more consistent. I wonder if the problem was because it was only a 1 inch thick piece of latex. But I believe the 1 inch pieces are slices of a larger 6 inch piece. It would be less noticeable in a 6 inch piece but I assume it would have similar problems. Also consider I could of received a bad batch of latex. You are just taking a bigger risk by ordering with FBM in my opinion. After sleeping the past month with only 2 inches of latex I've concluded I would like the additional inch of latex that i returned. Lauren (FBM employee) checked the whole warehouse for a 1 inch piece that was more uniform and did not have the problems I mentioned but could not find a piece. She said to try back in a couple months to see if the new lot was better. For there prices and only the 1 extra inch I need I will still order from them. If I had to do it all over again I'd get one 3 inch topper from one of the more expensive companies mentioned on this site. If you do order from FBM i suggest you call them and ask them to look around the lot for the best piece they can find. Tell them you'd do not want to go through the process of returning it if it is in horrible condition. Tell them you have seen pictures of very poor pieces of latex on this site. Good Luck |
Thanks for sharing your experience, jasesun23. If I buy from FBM, I'm only buying the lowest level. But if it isn't uniform and part of my back sinks in more than others, I'd imagine it won't be too comfortable? Anyway, my bigger concern is whether this foam would end up sagging more or not lasting as long as a quality foam from Latex International? I guess the real question though, is whether I should get the FBM to get 11" of latex or get it all from SleepLikeABear (Talatech) to get 9" of foam for about the same price (in other words, is 9" enough?) Although I have to admit, I'd save about $450 if I went with FBM entirely for the mattress - and have 12" of foam (3" soft top, 3" medium middle, and 6" firm base). The questionable quality has mostly scared me away - particularly from the top layers. What do you guys think about the ILD ratings for us that I mentioned? The numbers just don't mean much to me :( Would 14 / 28 / 36 be soft enough for my wife? Would 24 / 28 / 36 be firm enough for me (I want it somewhat soft too)? Take care, --Kyle |
I'd say go with sleep like a bear. I have no experience with them but if money is the main issue of picking one of the other, what is 450 over the lifetime of the bed. Say minimum the bed last 10 years. Thats 45 extra a year. Which equals one inexpensive dinner a year or in NYC 3 drinks. I honestly think FBM with it imperfections will break down more quickly. And right away if you have alot of those soft spots you will sink lower then other areas. This is my logical opinion but I have no proof. I could tell right away that on the edges of my bed were more supportive then the middle. I removed the 1 inch soft layer soft layer of latex and it improved. I though it might be the springs but after testing out the spring I concluded it was the latex. The two 1 inch layers of medium I have are not as bad but still have those inconsistencies I spoke of.
As far as which IDLs to get and layers that is a whole different game. You could decide on exactly what you want from sleep like a bear and after sleeping it be miserable. Then buyers remorse will set in and you'll kick yourself for not getting FBM and saving money. The more you read the more you see how expensive this process can get. |
Also where ever you buy from I'd get the pieces one at a time. I wouldn't get 1" pieces like I did. but why not try the base by itself for a week. I'm sure that won't work but just try it you never know. Then get a 2 or 3 inch piece for on top of the base and try that for a week or two. Then add another 2 or 3 inch piece and see if that works. My logic is get the least amount necessary for a good nights sleep. I decided I wanted a new bed so I started doing some research and found this site. Read about mattress surgery and it seem like fun and worth a try. Cut my mattress apart and found what appeared to be decent springs. I knew I couldn't sleep on springs so I ordered a 1 inch piece of latex and 1/4 inch of cheap foam so I wouldn't dirty or rip the latex on the springs. tried it out and could easily feel the springs. Then I got another 1 inch. felt the springs a lot less but still not that soft. Got a third of soft IDL latex and was happy until I realized i was sinking more in the middle then the edges. I'm going to purchase another 1 inch piece soon but I'm also going to video myself with a webcam to see my sleep at night. I don't have any back problems I just wake up tired every morning. I want to see if I'm tossing and turning though the night. Once I see that I'll go from there. |
On your other message, I wasn't planning on going with *all* FBM (just noting it was tempting). All I was trying to decide was whether I wanted to use FBM as the base (to get twice as much base for the same money). I think I'll go with it all from SleepLikeABear Talatech... I like your idea of getting just a couple layers to start, see how the firmness feels, etc. Since shipping is free, I guess I don't have to order it all at once. Now convincing my wife to try it like that may be another matter altogether! She wants our mattress now! ;) I'll call SleepLikeABear and see what they suggest on the ILD... Take care, --Kyle |
Hi All, It's decision time! I'll probably order tomorrow. I have two configurations / stores to consider. I'd welcome your thoughts on them both! SleepLikeABear is more customizable, but their poor return policy still requires I pay their shipping to me, and a handling charge for every layer exchange (or return) - and only for 30 days. SleepEZ has 90 day returns with no fees (only $15 shipping each way for the first layer exchange), costs a bit more, and includes a nice cover 1" think wool cover, but there are only 4 ILDs to choose from and only 3" (they won't build with 2" and 1" for the top 3" layer for example). Same Talatech Latex from either store. So, here's what I'd get with SleepLikeABear:
Here's what I'd get with SleepEZ:
What do you think? Which would you get? Oh, I plan to get the St. Dormier woold pad / protector, so I'm not sure how necessary the nicer cover from SleepEZ is? Thanks, --Kyle |
I would get the upper two layers from SLAB since it will be a little softer for you and your wife as side sleepers. This provides a little more flexibility if you need to change out the top two layers. Just a hunch based on my personal experience that I think your wife will find the top layer of the Sleepez bed to be a little hard ( and you might too). Good luck and let us know how it works out. |
Thanks Sall. Heh, I was just starting to lean towards going with SleepEZ for that nicer 1" cover and better return policy. Then if I find we need a softer layer on top, I might get another 1" from SleepEZ... Still not sure on that decision yet though. Take care, --Kyle |
It is a close call. The main difference in the cost is the cover, which should be nicer from sleepez. You may not need to get the St. Dormier if you go with Sleepez, but it is probably nice to have anyway. You do want a place where you can where you can exchange and return. I think both places have that option. Sleeplikeabear might be a bit slower in shipping things (based on what I have experienced and read). When I returned something to them, I had to get an authization form, and they deducted shipping costs to me and a handling fee (I paid shipping back as well). So, a bit more hassle and possibly a bit more expensive to return/exchange. SLAB probably allows you to fine tune more with option of 1" and 2" on top and more ILDS to choose from. Some people don't totally like the feel of latex and end up putting 1-2" of memory foam on top. SLAB probably gives you a bit more flexibility to do that. |
Thanks guys! I placed my order yesterday. I'll let you know how it turns out! I went with SleepEZ because of the better cover and what sounds like a better experience after the purchase with any needed exchanges / returns. I ordered S/M/F on each side, but split layers in case we need to exchange just one side (and we can test with different firmness of the layers this way). Although it wasn't as customizable (i.e. splitting the top 3" layer into 2" and 1"), I can still add a 1" topper or so from them later. All their toppers under 3" are Radium Talux though (they claim it's the same thing, but I know Latex International has the better reputation here). Thoughts on the Radium? Take care, --Kyle |
By the way, since the SleepEZ mattress comes with a 1" cotton / wool top pad, should I get the St. Dormier mattress protector / pad for $200, or something cheaper (any recommendations?)... Sounds like a great pad - just not sure how much it's needed now? Thanks, --Kyle |
Do you have anything that will fit right now? If so, maybe give that a try first. If not, it is probably best to have something over the new mattress, so probably just go with the St. Dormier. It some extra breathability, and does not affect the feel that much (according to others). |
KyLey: Would love to hear how things turned out for you in the long haul. thanks. |