Latex Mattress/Sleep EZ 10,000 Question
Apr 18, 2011 3:18 PM
Joined: Apr 18, 2011
Points: 1
My husband and I have been researching Latex mattresses and have narrowed it down to the Sleep EZ 10,000.

I have lower back pain, while my husband has mid to upper back pain. (From bottom to top) F/M/S was recommended for me, while XF/F/M was recommended for my husband. We are back/side sleepers. I am 5'4" 137lbs, Husband is 5'8" 170 lbs.

I have several questions before making our purchase:

 1. Will F/M/S be too soft for me? Shawn said that since I'm lighter, the F/M/S should provide enough support for me
 2. My husband sleeps on his side half the time; will the XF/F/M be too firm for him? 
 3. We may go with the Blended Talalay (instead of the Natural) because it's more within our price range. Any thoughts about this or issues/concerns we should be aware of?
 4. If we get custom layers for my husband and I, if we lay in the middle of the bed, is the split noticeable?

Thanks in advance for your help/assistance!

Re: Latex Mattress/Sleep EZ 10,000 Question
Reply #1 Apr 19, 2011 2:11 PM
Joined: Feb 1, 2011
Points: 12
My hubby and I are going to buy from SleepEZ as well.  We live in Tucson, about a 2 hour drive to Tempe.  So I was able to drive down and actually test the mattresses in the factory showroom. 

   My hubby is just over 200lbs, and falls asleep on his stomach, but ends up on his side..He liked the medium/firm/xfirm setup.  But he felt it was definately on the firm side.  I think your hubby at 170 may want to go medium/medium/firm or medium/firm/firm.  Because of the fact that he is a side sleeper, it would seem to me he needs more contour then say someone his size that is a back sleeper. I am 130lbs, and I loved the soft/medium/firm.  I think you cant go wrong with that setup.  The great thing is if it is too soft or too firm, you can adjust your layers, or swap-out a layer or two.  Its not as if you are stuck with that setup.  I liked the way the Talalay blend felt.  It seemed to contour better then both the organic talalay and the Dunlop latex.  Although, all three felt much better then what ive been sleeping on my whole life.  So I dont think you will go wrong with any of them.  However, Jeremy at Sleepez explained to me that as far as longevity is concerned, the Talalay blended latex lasts longer.  He also explained that the Talalay blend has an open-cell structure, therefore is more breathable.  Thats huge for me, since I live in Tucson, AZ, and its over 100 degrees like 5 months a year!

  I wish you luck!  I will be purchasing real soon, and when I do, I am going to post pics!  Again, good luck!

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