Latex returns
Mar 16, 2010 7:20 AM
Joined: Jul 14, 2008
Points: 64
I have been quite happy with my latex mattress purchase, but we now are in the market for another one for a guest bedroom.  Rather than simply going with the same seller of our first mattress, I have decided to look around a bit. 

Everyone speaks glowingly of flobeds, so I would be a fool to not consider them as a possible supplier for my purchase. 

I do have this problem though, and would like those who might know, to enlighten me. 

The sellers of these kit latex mattresses have different return polilcies.  The policies range from no returns to flobeds most generous policy of allowing unlimited returns for 90 days. 

My problem is:  When people return foam to flobeds (here is where I hope Eagle chimes in as he has exchanged at least 20 pieces), what happens to those pieces.  Are they inspected, washed, treated with anything, donated to charity, shredded for pillows, or what?  When a person makes a purchase from flobeds, can that person be certain that ALL of the merchandise is NEW. 

When I purchase underwear, I certainly am more confident knowing that Macy's doesn't accept returns on the stuff. 

Come on guys.  Lets have a discussion. 


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