Latex, sleeps hotter than foam
Feb 21, 2010 1:34 PM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
My expereience is all the foam beds i have had i have had no issue at all with it sleeping warmer

the latex bed instantly I can feel it

my question is for those of you who have had your latex bed during warm times, did you notice it feeling warm against the body?

i know i am not imagining it, so just wondered what others have to say...i have no allegiance whatsoever to any type of mattress of company that sells them, I just say what I experience whether it is a $4000 tempurpedic or $800 costco and am looking for those who also have no reason to feel an allegiance to any one type etc...

hope that didnt sound obnoxious, but when on the web we cannot know exactly who we are dealing with or, for that matter, who our hosts are and what their interests are...

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