latex topper advice please
Jul 15, 2010 4:32 AM
Joined: Jul 15, 2010
Points: 3
We bought a firm Stearns & Foster and my husband LOVES it -- he no longer wakes with back pain.  I, on the other hand, toss and turn all night becuase the bed is just too hard for me.  We recently slept at a hotel with a deep feather-bed on it -- I slept like a baby whereas my hubby moved to the floor during the night becuase his back was so unhappy!   I purchased a one of those poly-foam mattress covers which does help a little but I think I need more.  I'm thinking of purchasing a twin-sized latex topper for my half of our king-sized bed. (I don't want a feather-bed because one of my young kids is allergic).   So here are my questions:

Is this is a workable solution (a twin topper on my half of a king bed)?

What IDL should I get (I'm thinking 2" of 14-16)?  I weigh between 115 and 120 lbs (varies by season!).

Dunlop, Talay, 100% natural latext -- I'm confused, which is best (I hate anything that smells -- gives me headaches!).

Any particular brand recommendations?

Thanks so much!!

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