Latex Topper Wars: which is cooler? Talalay process vs Dunlop
Jan 17, 2011 8:21 AM
Joined: Jan 17, 2011
Points: 2
Newbie here... which topper process is cooler to sleep on? Talalay or Dunlop?

Background: as an already sleep-deprived buyer of an over-firm and hot queen matt (816-coil, 13 gauge), I realized my error only to find I cannot return it. Hence, the topper dilemma. I am 5'2, 125 lbs, with spinal arthritis. I sleep too hot, so memory foam is out. Latex was recommended, but with all the confusion around the two latex processes — add the frustration about the actual purity of material of each of these overpriced toppers, I ask you:

Which type of latex topper is ultimately cooler?

Btw, coolness takes precedence, slightly, over perfect comfort, 'cause if I sleep too warm, and I mean, 'stinging-hot-to-my-skin-and-sweaty' hot, no amount of cush is gonna help.

Here's a link, however biased it might be, that leans towards talalay for comfort and durability, but nothing addresses the "coolness factor."

Ever grateful !  ‡ )

ps: tip for the day: never buy a mattress when you're sleep deprived. Much like grocery shopping when you're hungry!

Re: Latex Topper Wars: which is cooler? Talalay process vs Dunlop
Reply #1 Jan 17, 2011 9:21 AM
Joined: May 22, 2008
Points: 171
My guess is that talalay would be a bit cooler, only because it has less rubber in it (more air cells). But I think the difference would be minimal, and you should go more on which "feel" you like better.

Having said that, if "coolness" is really the major factor, you would probably be better off with a wool (or even cotton) topper. A lot of people here like the St Dormiers and the Natura wool toppers / mattress pads. You should be able to search and find a bunch of posts on them.

Also, make sure everything else on your bed (sheets, pads, pillow cases, etc) are cool, natural breathable fabrics.

Re: Latex Topper Wars: which is cooler? Talalay process vs Dunlop
Reply #2 Jan 17, 2011 10:14 AM
Joined: Aug 5, 2010
Points: 34
I have a St. Geneve (aka St. Dormeire) wool cover on 2 layers of latex that were wrapped in a cotton terry cloth cover that FBM provides. It still ran warm.  I took the the terry cloth cover off and noticed a much more cooler & natural temperature while sleeping.

Not sure what the benefits of having TWO covers on your latex do but one wool cover was enough for me.

Re: Latex Topper Wars: which is cooler? Talalay process vs Dunlop
Reply #3 Jan 17, 2011 1:06 PM
Joined: Jan 17, 2011
Points: 2
Thank you, @st3v3krhn, and @Relaxo, et al.

I had a feeling the topper would need a 'topper,' or to just go with wool instead. * Sigh* I've even seen combos of latex and wool at $700+.   : 0

In the short time since I posted, I have gotten completely convincing — and conflicting — answers, from the mfgrs regarding durability, comfort, etc. But all agree that while the heat factor is there somewhat, a cotton or wool pad/topper is needed. : (

I'll look into the wool topper sans latex, but those are expensive too !

Again, thanks !

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