A layer of latex between mattress/foundation makes it like a "double-sided" mattress...
Aug 30, 2009 12:41 AM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 690
I have a custom mattress with a zippered, quilted cover. Inside are layers of talalay latex in firm to extra firm ILDs and one thin layer of HR foam. All over a LuraFlex coil unit encased in HR foam. The mattress is a no-flip. Latex only needs to be turned from head to toe occasionally.

It sits on top of a firm foundation (not box springs.)

So what I did is put a thin layer of less-firm latex foam between the hard foundation and mattress to mimic "another side" to my matttress. Basically, it's like having some cushiness as I would if it were a double-sided mattress.

My question: Does this, in any way, alter the way the mattress "should" feel had I just kept it like it is--the underside "flat" against the firm foundation? In other words, it wouldn't contribute to making my mattress feel less firm in a less supportive manner, would it? Or do you think it's doing simply what I hoped it would---acting like a double-sided mattress of sorts? Just curious!

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