Looking for some help on buying a mattress for my three boys
Sep 17, 2009 3:16 AM
Joined: Sep 17, 2009
Points: 1
I appreciate any feedback,

I am looking to get 3  mattress for my boys.  my eldest is 13 and a side sleeper and seems to be constantly bothered by his allergies, he is also a slide sleeper.  My other 2 are back sleepers and I would like to get them on new cleaner mattresses.  All are currently sleeping on coil mattress 5-10 yrs old.

I am torn between a purchasing a 8" all natural mattress from Sleepez or a latex coil hybrid (the Unity) from The Natural Mattress store.  Any thoughts regarding support or comfort between the 2 different mattress types and also thoughts regarding the stores themselves. thanks in advance.

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