I have been incrementally building a DIY foam mattress. FIrst cut was (all from FBM) 3" of LUX-HQ and 3" of HD36-HQ, with a topper of 1" 20ILD latex. Not bad, but a little firm on the shoulders. Experimentally folding the topper double was a little better, as was putting some old cheap p/u eggcrate on top of it.
Last two nights, I slept with a configuration where the lower 2/3 of the bed (from feet up through mid-torso) is the 1" latex folded double, and the top 1/3 (shoulder and pillow area) is the eggcrate folded double. I think I like it ! Feels like spine is straighter, shoulders more comfy, without butt area sagging down too far. (I am a side sleeper with wide bony shoulders and narrow hips/waist). Some might say 20ILD is too soft for the firm part of a zoned situation, but by all acounts the FBM 20ILD is firmer than 20ILD is supposed to be, and I think I agree. Next on the agenda is trying the 2" memory-foam topper the girlfriend bought (locally, and returnable), although people seem to be saying MF is not good for back-pain sufferers. Assuming I'm not crazy about that, I'll continue to sleep on the zoned configuration for awhile, to make sure I like it, before spending the bug bucks for some softer low-ILD latex from SLAB. I think building a mattress like this, incrementally, is the way to go, rather than plopping down a big pile of cash for a mattress that you laid on in a store for 5 minutes ...
This message was modified Dec 12, 2011 by RustyShackleford
Re: lovin' zoning Sall
(Dec 12, 2011 10:28 AM) -
Re: lovin' zoning sandman
(Dec 13, 2011 7:18 AM) -
Re: lovin' zoning RustyShackleford
(Dec 22, 2011 10:53 AM) -
Re: lovin' zoning RustyShackleford
(Dec 24, 2011 8:33 AM) -
Re: lovin' zoning Catherine
(Dec 22, 2011 7:12 AM) -
Re: lovin' zoning Sall
(Dec 22, 2011 10:10 AM) -
Re: lovin' zoning Catherine
(Dec 22, 2011 1:08 PM) -
Re: lovin' zoning Sall
(Dec 23, 2011 2:57 AM) -
Re: lovin' zoning Catherine
(Dec 23, 2011 6:51 AM) -
Re: lovin' zoning Sall
(Dec 26, 2011 6:07 AM)