lower back issues, some success
Jun 24, 2012 5:45 AM
Joined: Jun 24, 2012
Points: 10
Very cool to find this site, and that others have been experimenting and making custom matresses!!!  Here is what worked for me for 4 years.  A box spring base with a 1/2" sheet of plywood on top.  On top of the plywood a layer of 3/4" x-firm gym mat, next a 1/2" layer of firm camp pad. On top, a 21/2" layer of X-firm (not sure can't find records).  My back went out after 4 years so I turned everything 180 degrees, and that lasted another year.  Also in the mix I might have slacked off on doing situps which helps with back support muxcles.  Now I am having back issues again.  What I found in addittion that really helped was on top of everything I added what I would call maybe a back support sleeping brace??  Using some 1-3/4" extra foam that was too soft to lay on I made this configuration.  I layed down on it and took a magic marker and traced out under my back an hour glass shape which came out to 24" long, 12" wide under the shoulder end, 6" wide at my lower back, and 10" wide at my butt area.  I then cut out the foam using this shape with a bevel cut.  So laying on my back I fit into this side supportive cut out.  I will see if I can post a photo if anyone is interested.  This foam is soft enough that when I turn on my side out of the pocket it doesn't make much difference.  What will my next move be?  Maybe flip everything again? 
This message was modified Jun 24, 2012 by isleomaniac

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