Lower back pain is long gone!
Oct 11, 2007 7:25 PM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 690
Well, my right lower back pain is GONE! I just had my hysterectomy/oopherectomy/pelvic repair on Monday. Came home yesterday. The back pain was gone immediately. Docs said the cyst had grown to about the size of a grapefruit and were amazed it didn't hurt more. Hurray! Now I just have the post surgery pain to contend with for awhile. I can handle that as long as it finally goes away!

I had ordered the 2" 4 lbs. memory foam topper from Sleepwarehouse which is due to arrive anyday. Since I can't lift anything over 10 lbs. I may have to wait before trying it out on my mattress. In the meantime, before my surgery, I tweaked my toppers around a bit. I still have the 1" 32 ILD latex. But I added the softer, Overstock 1" latex topper over that and finally the comfy Cuddle Bed fiber bed type topper. So far, so good. But I'm still curious to see how a 2" memory foam topper feels in comparison to my cheap 1" memory foam. Not sure if I'll stick that under my latex. I WILL get rid of the softer latex, though. Or if I'll put the memory foam directly under the Cuddle Bed. I heard it's nice under a firm latex topper. The sofness of the memory foam and the conforming support of the latex underneath. We'll see!

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