Lower cost matress needed
Apr 2, 2011 4:36 AM
Joined: Apr 2, 2011
Points: 1
Hello,I am currently looking for a new matress and platform bed.I only have 7-800 dollars to spend.I live in a studio app,so full size biggest I can go.I am a big guy I am 280lbs.Just me.I have been to speepy's but my sis and some people tell me to go to ikea to check out their stuff.The sleepy's salesman had me look at a simmons beauty rest IS with pocketed coils and built in topper.The problems I have are some lower back issuses with some siatice problems on my right wich happens to be the side I favore for sleeping on.Any recomds. would be great.There are other furniture stores around where I live like bob's but don't know if going to any of them will be worth the trip.As asid enote anyone ever get a matress online from say overstock or some such place and have good results?Thanks for your help.

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