Lux HQ vs HD36 under a 10'' Helix?
Hi all - have read some of the posts regarding the Lux HQ vx HD36 HQ being used as a base, but mostly using 3-6 inches of something on top - we are about to get a Helix custom bed delivered, and need something to go over our slats mainly to give height and fit our sheets. The Helix is 10'' and we will likely order a 5'' base. The mattress has a softer surface but firmer support under as we're both stomach sleepers. Question is - with 10'' over this base, will we even feel a difference between the Lux and the HD? Thanks! |
Re: Lux HQ vs HD36 under a 10'' Helix? sleepnyc10011
(Mar 3, 2016 9:43 AM) -
Re: Lux HQ vs HD36 under a 10'' Helix? mattdud
(Mar 4, 2016 10:39 AM) -
Re: Lux HQ vs HD36 under a 10'' Helix? sleepnyc10011
(Mar 4, 2016 11:18 AM) -
Re: Lux HQ vs HD36 under a 10'' Helix? design2host
(Aug 9, 2016 2:33 AM) -
Re: Lux HQ vs HD36 under a 10'' Helix? sleepnyc10011
(Mar 4, 2016 11:19 AM)