Matress & box on the floor, is it firmer?
Oct 11, 2010 6:56 AM
Joined: Sep 30, 2010
Points: 81
Is a mattress which is on a box spring, harder when placed flat on the floor as opposed to on a bed frame?  My old bed (head and footboards with metal rails and 3 metal slats across the rails) has gotten so rickety and squeaky it was driving me nuts so I took it all apart and put the mattress and box on the floor.

Is it my imagination or did it seem much firmer, to the point of uncomfortable. I was awake quite a bit although I did get some sleep..

For those who remember this is a brand new beautyrest mattress/box (bought about 3-4 weeks ago) that I'm still breaking in and tryiing to get just right, so I don't expect it to be perfect. It's just that I wouldn't have thought putting it on the floor, since it's on a boxspring (such as they are these days!! what junk!), would make a difference in the firmness. It seemed to.  But since I'm still messing with mattress pad/topper configurations..I don't know.

Any thoughts? Am I just imagining this?

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