Mattress dealers vs appliance dealers....appliance dealers are required to disclose...why not mattress dealers?
Aug 25, 2011 8:12 AM
Joined: Aug 24, 2011
Points: 32
Appliance dealers are now required to OPENLY DISPLAY the ACTUAL and ORIGINAL manufactures model numbers of all their appliances so consumers can compare products and prices from dealer to dealer and be able to contact the manufactures to obtain detailed info if they wish.  We can now do it so easily via the manufactures web sites by viewing and downloading spec sheets, installation instructions, warranty info and more.  Why isn't this the case in the mattress industry as well?  Its the exact same situation only with mattresses instead of appliances.  Does anyone happen to know the name of the legislation that inacted this mandate in the appliance industry?  I'm going to contact some consumer agency's, my congressmen, and others about how the mattress industry is soooo anti-consumer as compared to the appliance industry.  I am completly against government intrusion (apples in Happy Meals vs cookies etc) but what is going on in the mattress industry is criminal.   If there are any attorneys reading this and can advise me as to how to proceed i would appreciate any guidance  you could provide me.    
Re: Mattress dealers vs appliance dealers....appliance dealers are required to disclose...why not mattress dealers?
Reply #1 Aug 26, 2011 9:59 AM
Joined: Jul 5, 2011
Points: 20

Funny you should speak of disclosure for mattress companies. Seems that many of the big guys purposely have a mattress company build them a mattress so the consumer can't compare apples to apples. Also, they don't seem to have to advertise the material composition. So they get away with telling the consumer that a bed that contains a little latex foam is a latex mattress. Also, if they have foam they state foam but not the quality. So a mattress that states it contains poly foam may or may not be a good buy. So it's Caveat emptor.

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