Mattress for heavier person?
Aug 6, 2009 2:24 PM
Joined: Aug 6, 2009
Points: 2
I am heavy - about 250# - and need a mattress that will hold up and help with back problems. My doc says one of the reasons I have trouble losing weight is that I don't get a good night's sleep - I have fibromyalgia and back problems, among other things.  So I'd like to replace my mattress with one that will not only hold me comfortably, but hold up so I don't have to replace it too often (I'm on disability and can't afford that!) and is not too expensive for my limited budget.  I've been considering Tempurpedic - I've heard it's great for fibromyalgia but want to know if it can handle my current weight.  I've also looked into wool but it looks beyond my means.  Any suggestions or thoughts?
Re: Mattress for heavier person?
Reply #1 Aug 6, 2009 4:34 PM
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 464
Wolfster wrote:
My doc says one of the reasons I have trouble losing weight is that I don't get a good night's sleep
Definitely time to find another doc!
How Dieting Works . .
Re: Mattress for heavier person?
Reply #2 Aug 6, 2009 8:28 PM
Joined: Nov 4, 2008
Points: 223
Wolfster, I also deal with CFS and FM, and i know how important sleep is. I seem to lose weight rather than gain weight from sleep loss, but that's me...!

Tempurpedic beds are very expensive, but you might want to check out high-resiliency foam mattresses with a layer of memory foam on top. I've been looking at; they have pretty reasonable prices, and they're stuff is good quality. The core is high-quality polyurethane foam--i'd go for the firmest they have, and then get a 3-inch--or thicker--memory foam layer on top. You can also call them with concerns--some people have mentioned that Vlad is a good person to talk to there.
Re: Mattress for heavier person?
Reply #3 Aug 7, 2009 8:31 PM
Joined: Aug 6, 2009
Points: 2
Sager66, thanks but I have a good doc who is backed up by medical research. I didn't come here to debate diet info, but to find a good mattress.  If you won't stick to that topic, please don't post to this thread. Thanks.
Re: Mattress for heavier person?
Reply #4 Aug 8, 2009 6:26 AM
Joined: Sep 11, 2007
Points: 116
Tempurpedic.  Or you can get a knock off and have it fail within a few years (If not sooner).  Then you'll be back here looking for something other than memory foam because of your bad experience.  Seriously, their warranty states if you have a 3/4" body impression or more then it's covered by their warranty.  I can't think of a more durable mattress.
Re: Mattress for heavier person?
Reply #5 Aug 8, 2009 10:18 AM
Joined: Apr 19, 2008
Points: 92
Wow, Sager putting his foot in his mouth on this topic makes me wanna barf!

Wolf, it IS true that not sleeping well will interfere with losing weight, has to do with the adrenals, which I'm sure your doctor went into detail with you about . . . and if not, google it, and you will find plenty to read.  I too have a weight issue, but am losing weight right now, and believe it or not, I AM GRADUALLY SLEEPING BETTER.  Yes, I am, living proof.  So Sager, go suck a butt or something constructive.

I have no idea if a temperpedic mattress would be comfortable at your weight, but I would think that simply trying it out in a store would  not give you a good indication of how a whole night's sleep would be . . . so sorry I could not help you on this issue, but had to say *someething* when I saw the other poster's idiotic reply.

Re: Mattress for heavier person?
Reply #6 Aug 8, 2009 3:49 PM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
I think that you would be best served by finding a bed with good, old fashioned Bonnell coils, heat tempered, heavier gauge wire(12-13 gauge), made the traditional way with an insulator layer to separate the coils from the fluff, a nice layer of cotton batting, and some layer of foam(type depending on your likes)nearer the surface.  That will end up being the most comfortable, IMO.
I do not believe that Tempurpedic will do it for you.
Re: Mattress for heavier person?
Reply #7 Aug 11, 2009 3:34 PM
Joined: May 14, 2008
Points: 15
I am 260lbs.  The best thing I EVER did was buy a FloBed based on its online advisor.  I look forward to going to bed every night.

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