mattress manufacturers use materials from china?
Feb 11, 2017 5:53 PM
Joined: Feb 11, 2017
Points: 4
simmons imports steel wires from China.
sealy imports memory foam from China.

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Re: mattress manufacturers use materials from china?
Reply #1 Feb 12, 2017 9:57 PM
Location: Ohio
Joined: Feb 10, 2017
Points: 2
I guess it's all because of low costs. Those big mattress brands needs to cut down materials costs by importing steel wires and foam from China. China and Poland are the countries who are most advantageous in exporting mattresses materials with low price. Poland has the most developed technology to produce quality materials with low costs and high speed. As for China, it has the largest population in the world and the salary for factories workers are low to the dirt. So China has kept its advantages for many years in mattress industries. Although Chinese materials are cheap, it doesn’t mean they have low quality. A lot of U.S. Big brands have been in good business partnership with Chinese Factories for years and they didn’t get increasing rate of complaints on mattress quality. Here is a news blog that can prove my idea in a way. It is about rising price of foam in China and how it is related with foam price worldwide.

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