Mattress pad/topper question
Mar 8, 2010 5:57 PM
Joined: Oct 13, 2009
Points: 156
The top layer on my mattress is 100% natural latex with no cover.   I am currently using a fairly good quality cotton/polyester mattress pad with elastic sides which holds the top layer nicely in place with the rest of the mattress.    With summer approaching I am wondering if it is worth the investment to get a cotton/wool mattress pad.   I understand that wool is a better temperature and moisture regulator than polyester.   LL Bean has a cotton/wool pad for $129. (queen size).

I've also looked at some fairly expensive "wool toppers" at various online sites, but these seem so thick that they might negate the feeling of the top latex layer I am using.   I know Eagle had a thread about how much even a mattress pad can change the feeling of the latex.

Any thoughts on these 2 options?