Mattress sagging? Consider your foundation first!
Jul 20, 2011 5:44 AM
Joined: Apr 20, 2011
Points: 65
We were sleeping on a 12 yr old spring mattress and boxspring and it was sagging towards the middle and had no motion suppression at all – no doubt time for a new mattress. But we were remodeling our bedroom so I postponed a new purchase till we were done. In the meantime we put the bed in another room downstairs. The boxspring just barely fit through the stairwell so when it came time to move it back into the bedroom, I didn’t bother moving it back upstairs – we would be replacing both pieces anyway. But, since we hadn’t decided what to buy, and had a new bed frame on order, we brought just the mattress back into the room and placed it on the floor. Surprisingly, with the mattress on the floor the sag was hardly noticeable, and motion suppression was excellent!

The mattress is quite firm, and I definitely wanted to go DIY latex, and in anticipation of that, I bought an 8” wood foundation and bolstered it with extra slats. My new bed arrived – also solid wood and very sturdy. So right now I have my spring mattress on the wood foundation on the bed – and its like new! Just that slight sagging toward the middle which is barely noticeable.

I have just received a Rejuvenite plush topper and, so far (1 night), it works great on the firm mattress. I could be completely happy with this set up - the only issue is the height. It is about 4” higher than I want. Had I known this set up would work, I could have bought the low profile version of the foundation and Id be done! Between the foundation and the topper I’m into this for about $500.

Time will tell of course how this works. Maybe Ill get used to the height, maybe after a while the level of softness or firmness will not be working for us – I may want to add layers, then it will definitely be too high. I’m thinking eventually Ill end up with all latex, but I’m taking my time to find what works.

But the fact that most of our perceived problems were solved by replacing the foundation was surprising to me and worth sharing. I think some people just replace the mattress and keep the old foundation. Maybe trying a new foundation is a better way to go – especially if its sagging and lack of motion suppression your trying to fix!

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