memory foam help please
Mar 3, 2012 7:09 AM
Joined: Mar 3, 2012
Points: 12
My husband and I have four wonderful children.   We both work full time and take care of our kids.  Our sleep is very important to us.   The past few months we have been very over tired and decided maybe our 10 year old mattress needed to be replaced.  Honestly the bed is horrendous and we haven't been sleeping well.  Our search began online with going to all different local furniture companies websites.  Then we spent a great deal of time at the furniture stores testing out all sorts of beds.  We weren't sure if we were going to go springs, memory foam, or latex after all the initial research. One of the sales people at a local furniture suggested we take a look online to research more as we were asking so many questions, I don't think he could answer.  In looking online my husband kept asking me about the Tempur-pedic and I just couldn't see spending that kind of money. 

After looking online and clicking on almost forty different websites we said, we have laid on everything out there.  We are tired of shopping and need to get a new mattress.  Over the last few days we have made probably over ten phone calls to different online companies that sell memory foam mattress.  I think we are really in-between the following ones in our last stage of trying to figure out which mattresses is right for us.  My husband is 5'  11" and weights 210 pounds and he sleeps on his side mostly.  I am 5' 2" and weight 140 pounds and mostly sleep on my back.

I have heard every salesman pitch and every ones idea about latex, gel memory foam, springs, ect.  I don't want to break the bank on something that might not be worth it.  I do want 100% American made if possible.   However, my husband and I decided that our best friends bought a mattress online and they love it.  So if it works for someone we know, maybe it can work for us too. 

Any and all help or advice on this would be greatly appreciated as we have made up our mind on memory foam.

The lady I spoke with seemed knowledgeable and the price is great.  A little concerned that the price is really inexpensive.  Am I wrong for worrying about the cheapest one?   They guarantee 100% made in the USA!

We spoke to them on speaker phone and love the woman we spoke to.  I am a little worried about how they seem to always have products on sale all the time and the prices never change when the sale changes.  She got a little nervous when we started talking about 100% made in the USA.  So not sure if they are.

Local company to where we live and where our friends bought their mattress from.  I spoke to the owner, he seemed knowledgeable and answered our questions.  Not sold completely on the website, but really like him over the phone.  He stated that his mattresses were made 100% in the USA. 

Thank you for opinions and advise in advance.

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