Memory foam matresses by FBM or
Oct 1, 2009 8:19 PM
Joined: Feb 26, 2009
Points: 17
I know this seems more a latex forum, but has anyone ever bought a mem foam mattress from either of these companies?  I have bought latex from FBM, but never a full mattress or mem foam.  I'm trying to build a twin size "lounger" that will sit behind my home theater recliners as an additional "row" of seating, but more a place to lounge, snuggle with the kids, etc. for movies.  It woujld be raised so just see over the chairs. 

 I built 2 beds with latex bases (from FBM) and mem foam top layers (we like cushy soft) but the mem foam came from cloud 9 and Healthy foundations.  I would upholster this, not use sheets, but I'm looking for the same feel.  I could save quite a bit by buying a mattress, since this would mainly be a couch, rather than a bed.  I had never bought (or heard of), and can't find any reviews, but their prices are good, and they claim to use all American made foam.  Also they give a military discount.  Anyone have any feedback?  Also, I know many here buy from FBM, but I searched and can't find any reviews of their mem foam mattresses (not toppers).
This message was modified Oct 1, 2009 by jeffandpamsmith

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