Memory Foam questions (looking 4 new bed)
Jul 9, 2010 1:54 AM
Joined: Jul 9, 2010
Points: 2

We just moved to Dubai, and are looking for a new mattress. I have heard all about this memory foam concept a while ago, and 3 months back got myself a pillow - and its great.

Now we're in the market for a new bed, and memory came

  1. Tempur seems rather expensive, I have found the Therapedic Memory Touch at 50% less - anyone using Therapedic?
  2. Also have heard that they may get a little hot in summer, but one can always get some form of a cover sheet so they dont get wet, and stay that correct?
  3. Heard rumours that memory foam will not last as long as an old style (spring) bed - and the sleeping dents appear pretty soon (1-2 years)
  4. If memory foam technology is not that great yet (and affordable) what other recommendations (makes) can one look at - Therapedic, SilentNight, etc?

Many thanks,


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