Mixing latex, MF and PU foam toppers?
Aug 11, 2009 11:22 AM
Joined: Nov 4, 2008
Points: 223
Yes, here i am again. Thank you everyone for your mattress wisdom--i've learned a lot on this forum!! Fine-tuning my proposed mattress, and just a couple more questions, if you don't mind...;)

Ok, the base will be HD-36HQ and LUX-HQ (about 6 inches total), and on top of that is the big unknown...I slept one night on a mattress that had a similar base, and the top 3" were composed of latex, mf and poly foam. Does this make sense?

Thus, i'm thinking of 1" soft latex, 1" MF (top layer, i would think), and maybe 1" eggcrate poly foam underneath that...We are side sleepers and would like *some* cush...Oh, and the Cuddlebed is always an option, too...

How does that sound? THANK YOU for indulging my neurotic questioning...;)

p.s. what's the best place to get a 1" memory foam topper? Can it be 4.5 density, or is that too 'low'?

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