My back hurts & I'm still ISO a non-sag mattress!
Jan 10, 2012 2:27 PM
Joined: Jan 10, 2012
Points: 6
What is going on with the manufacture of mattresses?  I've been through several mattresses over the past 3 years (several "Serta Firm" mattresses each of which began sagging after a few weeks; currently have a Sleep By Numbers: oy vay--do not go there - what a waste of money!).  I'm average weight.  So why can't I find a mattress that will feel as good/firm as a hotel mattress?  Do I have to pay $5,000 for a good, firm (and will stay firm) mattress?  I've heard enough about latex, Temperpedic, etc to know that I'd be hot-flashing all the time trying to sleep on them so I'm not going there.  I've heard about Royal-something (royalpedic??)...are they good/firm mattresses?  This is so frustrating and I'm disgusted that I'm having such a bad time trying to find a truly firm mattress.  Why is it so difficult to find a firm mattress that will stay firm for at least a few years?

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