My new latex mattress arrived! Setup pics inside...
Jan 7, 2009 3:49 PM
Location: Maryland
Joined: Dec 23, 2008
Points: 8
I thought I would share the pics of the process of setting up the latex mattress.  It is pretty much exactly how BillB described and photo-illustrated his setup.  Just thought another experience would be helpful.

We ordered from SleepEz, a three-layer 100% Dunlop set, queen size in the following configuration:

Top: Soft (single layer)
Middle: Med - Med
Bottom: Firm-Firm

The boxes as delivered by UPS

The bags containing the compressed and folded mattress layers

The mattress casing, laid out on the foundation (a note about that - in a previous thread, I mentioned that I would be using plywood over a box spring; it turns out that I already had a slatted wood-framed foundation, with a hardboard top layer...this should provide excellent support for the latex).

Right side bottom and middle layers in place.  Note that they don't line up exactly along the edge...this is no big deal as they get compressed a bit when the cover is zipped up.

Left and right side complete...just need the single top soft layer.

Top layer on.  There's some discoloration visible, but this is to be expected (sorry for the strange lighting, I must have messed with the white balance on the camera when taking this shot)

All zipped up in the nice mattress casing

A closeup of the casing...I think the zipper could probably be a bit more 'heavy duty',  but it worked fine.

I covered the mattress casing with a lightweight cotton mattress pad, put on all the linens and quilts...and here it is, the finished product!

It took about 35 minutes for me to get it together, working alone.  Tonight, of course, is the big test.  Stay tuned!
This message was modified Jan 7, 2009 by Brianc
Re: My new latex mattress arrived! Setup pics inside...
Reply #1 Jan 7, 2009 4:04 PM
Joined: Dec 28, 2008
Points: 13
Very nice!  I cannot wait to hear how it sleeps!
Re: My new latex mattress arrived! Setup pics inside...
Reply #2 Jan 7, 2009 5:00 PM
Joined: Dec 27, 2008
Points: 13
Looks real nice and I'm glad that you solved your foundation problem. 

So how does it feel compared to the Savvy Rest that you tried?  Would you say that it has a similar feel so far?

Please report back after a few nights!

Re: My new latex mattress arrived! Setup pics inside...
Reply #3 Jan 8, 2009 5:24 AM
Location: Maryland
Joined: Dec 23, 2008
Points: 8
OK...and the verdict is...we love it.

So far, so good.  I slept great, but more importantly, my wife slept well, too.  She has been having some issues with early waking and not being able to get back to sleep. (He doc believes it is stress-related) but last night she slept much better, so maybe a part of her waking up was due to the old mattress.   Of course one night is hardly enough to draw definitive conclusions, so we'll see how things go over the next several days and weeks.

I really like the feel of the latex.  It is hard to describe - it feels both softer and firmer at the same time.  What I mean is, it feels like there is an excellent amount of overall support, but the top layer is just much cushier than our old IS mattress, and it just feels great to me.  I also like that the latex does not 'push back' on my body the way the old inner spring did - I read this is many of the testimonials on both SleepEz and SavvyRest web sites.   One thing I also noticed is that I did not toss and turn while getting to sleep; previously I would probably switch between back, left side, right side about four or five times before drifting off....but last night I think I change positions once from back to side...then I was out!

Couple of other points:

- there is no discernable odor to the latex (I've read that some people detect a slight rubber smell for the first week or two)
- sitting on the edge is no problem, even though there is no extra support there
- temperature control seems good - I was not hot or cold (we usually keep our thermostat down at 65 overnight - and even then I would sometimes wake in the middle of the night feeling warm on our old mattress)

*To warehouse*: The SleepEz feels very, very similar to the Savvy Rest we tried at our local dealer -  really almost no difference that I can discern given the short time we were able to try out the SR.

That's it on the latex mattress for now.  Tomorrow I am expecting delivery of a couple of new pillows.  I ordered a 100% latex pillow, and a combination buckwheat hull / wool pillow - I've read great things about these materials for pillows, and I am excited to try them out.

Re: My new latex mattress arrived! Setup pics inside...
Reply #4 Jan 8, 2009 6:11 AM
Location: Oregon
Joined: Oct 25, 2008
Points: 130
Brian - thank you for the excellent report with all the nice pictures on your Sleepez mattress setup. The mattress cover is really nice looking. The whole thing looks great setup. It does take a while to get used to the Latex but given that your first night was good is an excellent sign it will probably continue to be. 


This message was modified Jan 8, 2009 by BillB
Re: My new latex mattress arrived! Setup pics inside...
Reply #5 Jan 8, 2009 7:09 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
BrianC, I am so happy for you and your wife enjoying your first night of sleeping well on the latex bed. Thanks for the pictures of your Sleep-EZ latex set up which looks exactly like my FloBeds set up with the split cores and nice zippered up cover except I have a 1" topper over my 3 layers of dual latex core layers.

Please keep us updated but it sounds like you are a latex convert also. I am so glad that the set-up seems correct the first time around.  I also have latex pillows that I feel you will love.

Re: My new latex mattress arrived! Setup pics inside...
Reply #6 Jan 8, 2009 12:29 PM
Joined: Dec 27, 2008
Points: 13

Glad that it's working out!  It's good that you were able to try both the Savvy Rest and the SleepEZ products as it will provide a reference for others.  The only other direct comparison I could find was SLOPEYS thread where he had the opinion that his SleepEZ mattress felt different, but I don't think it was every fully resolved whether it was his mattress or the foundation.   There might be other differences in these mattresses but at least it's nice to know that to you they feel very similar. 

My Savvy Rest was shipped today.  With any luck I'll have it on Saturday and hopefully I'll be as happy with it as you are with your SleepEZ! 

I'll see you around Howard County!

Re: My new latex mattress arrived! Setup pics inside...
Reply #7 Jan 8, 2009 5:00 PM
Joined: Dec 28, 2008
Points: 13
That is great to hear!

I love, love, love my latex pillow!

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