My personal experience regarding: "does latex sleep hot?"
Jul 6, 2010 11:11 AM
Joined: Jan 31, 2010
Points: 54
I've seen the subject of whether latex sleeps hot discussed on this board before.

After now having slept on a latex bed for about a few months, I have come to a conclusion.

In my experience, latex beds sleep hot if the temperature of the room in which bed resides is hot.

On the other hand, if the temperature of the room in which the bed resides in not hot, then latex does not sleep hot.

This phenemenon became quite noticeable to me because I started sleeping on my latex bed as winter was ending, and it was still pretty cold outside.  As a result, it was also cold inside my room.  During this time, my latex bed did not feel hot at all at any time.

However, during the summer months, like now, it is extremely hot outside, and as a result inside my room is also very hot, and my latex bed is now likewise very hot.  I can feel the heat emnating from my latex bed just by laying down on it for a few seconds. 

I am sure that if I had air conditioning make the temperature inside my room cool, then my latex bed would stop being hot.

I wonder if others who say that latex sleeps hot have tried making the temperature of the room itself cool and then see if that changes how hot your latex bed is?


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