Natura Sensation
Mar 2, 2009 7:24 AM
Joined: Mar 2, 2009
Points: 2
My wife and I tried a Natura Sensation Mattress at a store and liked everything about it but the price $2400 for the queen.  Does anyone here know were to get a deal on these or on a similarly constructed mattress that we can try our first.  We live near Philadelphia.
Re: Natura Sensation
Reply #1 Mar 2, 2009 3:16 PM
Joined: Jan 19, 2009
Points: 64
A little online research seems to show that the Natura Sensation Queen is a nine inch build with a six inch latex core and a three inch memory foam top layer.

When we were mattress researching it seemed that natural Latex was most expensive except for Tempura-pedic.

I would suggest doing a Google for mattress stores in area of Philly see if their websites claim Latex core mattresses and, if not, call them and then drive to those that offer Latex core mattresses.  We learned that every make of mattress whether memory foam or Latex or innerspring all have different firmness and different comfort levels so we agree that you should find a mattress in a local area venue so you can personally test it.

 A lot of people don't know that Serta has a line of Latex mattresses called "Pure Response".  I mention this as a LOT of mattress furniture vendors offer the Serta line.  We tried one in a nearby furniture astore nd it seemed typical of other Latex mattresses we looked at.  Due to the tricky mattress industry/market each retailer will have different model names but if it says "Pure Response" on the Serta label it should be one from their Latex line - problem could be the price - the one we tried was pretty comfy and on sale but still $2000.

Our biggest concern with buying an innerspring or Latex or even Tempura-pedic was the inability of the buyer to adjust firmness so if over time if the mattress somehow wears or changes or if the buyer changes his/her need over time there is no way to adjust the product.

You may not find a genuine latex mattress for much under $2k.

Best of Luck

Re: Natura Sensation
Reply #2 Mar 2, 2009 5:49 PM
Joined: Mar 2, 2009
Points: 2
I was doing some research and saw that Verlo makes a latex core memory foam mattress, but this forum seems to rip them except for the spammers.  I was going to go try that mattress ($1400) for the mattress alone, until I read the responses.  I am hesitant to build my own as my wife wants some form of a warranty.

I will keep posting

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