Natural Talalay vs Synthetic Talalay
Mar 10, 2010 8:14 AM
Joined: Jul 29, 2009
Points: 12
Hi All - In refining my search I have some questions about Natural vs Synthetic Talalay.  After researching this forum I've found

Natural Talalay (Advantages)

  1. As close to natural as possible
  2. Has a more natural smell
  3. Possible more hypoallergenic

Natural Talalay (Disadvantages)

  1. Not as durable (need confirmation)
  2. Is not "full" natural anyways
  3. Has a more natural smell
  4. More expensive
  5. Not as bouncy

My questions are:

  1. Does Latex Internatinal produce the Natural Talalays or are there more suppliers?  I trust LI, so I am wondering if I buy a bed where the latex is from.
  2. What are your thoughts on Natural vs Synthetic?  I've already decided I like Talalay over Dunlop.
  3. What about durability?  Does anybody have any real FACTS on this?\

Your input would be appreciated.  I may just contact LI eventually too.



Re: Natural Talalay vs Synthetic Talalay
Reply #1 Mar 10, 2010 8:39 AM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
All natural latex is never quite as pure as we may be led to believe, particularly with Talalay.  But that being said natural talalay is still in the neighbourhood of being a 90% natural product. 

As for the hypoallergenic properties, this is not only probable it is proven.  The proteins in natural latex are what provide these benefits, outside of being more breathable than other varieties of foam synthetic latex does not provide any of this benefit. 

As far as durablity all natural or blended latex both last a long time.  Natural latex is less brittle due to its elasticity, synthetic blend has a slightly higher abrasion resistance.  There isn't really any way we should say one is more durable than the other, in the interest of fairness.  Although 100% synthetic rubber is too brittle, it needs some natural content to make the cells more elastic so they don't break as easily.  My best analogy on this; there is a reason why natural latex is used in condoms and medical gloves, basically if you need something to be able to stretch, compress, and come back to shape again and again, natural rubber is about the best material you could possibly use.

IMO under disadvantages, you should only list one thing.

1. Price.  Thats the only real disadvantage.
Re: Natural Talalay vs Synthetic Talalay
Reply #2 Mar 10, 2010 11:44 AM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
I have done a lot of research as well, and have found no documented actual evidence that one is better than the other.  IMO, in addition to price, the consideration would be whether you like the *idea* of 100% natural vs. blended.

I went with blended because at the time, I had read on several websites, including LI's, that blended is more durable than 100% natural.  I honestly don't know if this is true though.
Re: Natural Talalay vs Synthetic Talalay
Reply #3 Mar 10, 2010 1:30 PM
Location: Mequon, WI
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 363
I own both the natural and blended talalay made by LI.  They are very similar products.  In the future I will be buying blended only.  I haven't noticed any advantage with the natural talalay.
Re: Natural Talalay vs Synthetic Talalay
Reply #4 Mar 10, 2010 2:17 PM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
I think you have to distinguish between blended and 100% synthetic.  I am not sure when you say synthetic, whether you really mean a blend of synthetic and natural.

I think most would agree that 100% natural is probably better than 100% synthetic.  The blended Latex International (has both natural and synthetic in it) is a good product.  I found it fairly similiar to the 100% natural.  The 100% natural seems slightly more resilient to me, and has less of a chemical smell.  Other than that, I don't think I would notice much of a difference.  However, I have not done a side by side comparison to really know how much of a perfomance difference there might be.   My bias now is to pay a slight premium for the 100% natural.  Not sure about the durability difference.

Re: Natural Talalay vs Synthetic Talalay
Reply #5 Mar 10, 2010 4:28 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
My vote goes for 100% natural botanically grown Talalay processed latex, manufactured by Latex International.


Latex International makes a blended latex that is 30% natural 70% synthetic. Many like it just as well as the all natural, and it is less expensive. If you go for Latex International's blended product than I would recommend purchasing one grade firmer than you would if you were purchasing hundred percent natural. Because the blended product is less dense. ILD has nothing to do with density. They are two entirely different things, is my understanding.

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