Need Advice
Nov 7, 2007 1:46 AM
Joined: Nov 7, 2007
Points: 10
Hi.  Just found this forum & could use some help.       I recently replaced my OLD mattress with a Simmons world class spirit plush from mattress giant.  At the show room it felt great, but at home it feels to firm.  I'm a side sleeper.  Can't sleep on this thing on my side, very uncomfortable.  On my back it feels fine.   iv'e had it for 30 days as of today.  The store has a 1 time exchange policy.   The manager suggested a Kingsdown.   Of course it will cost me more money.  Around $500  with delivery & stain protection.   Is it smarter to just buy a latex topper ?  The kingsdown has a 20 year warranty.   Toppers have a 1 year or less ?    Thanks for your input..

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