Need assistance on where to start
Jan 5, 2010 10:53 AM
Joined: Jan 5, 2010
Points: 5
I"m currently sleeping on the floor via a sleeping bag.... I was going to get a loft bed but I was just informed that I won't have any place to store it once my temporary living arrangement is up. I am thinking about getting a foam bed instead since it would be easier to store as I'd be able to get it into my attic {it would fold to get in the hole}. However, in looking at this forum I'm not certain what I need to search on. I am just looking at getting the foam to place on the floor and I have no idea what level of firmness I like. I love my posturpedic at home but I have a habit of sleeping on top of comforter's cause I like the softness. My posterpedic is from before the advent of pillow tops and being if I were home for a long period of time would most likely invest in a topper as the mattress is still good. However, I'm currently away for an unspecified period of time (about a year) and need something that will be portable when I leave. I'm 5'8.5", 220 lbs, and generally sleep on my back/side. On the floor, the sleeping on my side is uncomfortable so I've switched to sleeping on my back with a towel rolled up under my lower back. It's actually not too uncomfortable but I want something more soft. Thanks.
Re: Need assistance on where to start
Reply #16 May 4, 2010 1:24 PM
Joined: Apr 12, 2010
Points: 52
bluesnowfall wrote:

You might want to go to the thread " Suggest A Tempurpedic" .   I posted some info there that would get you headed in the right direction.

I don't see any post by you in that thread started by me!

You only have 1 post and that is this you posted here.

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