Need help with Flobed and back pain, Please!
Feb 28, 2010 12:26 PM
Joined: Jan 18, 2010
Points: 143
I LOVE my Flobed and will give you all the reasons why in my other thread when I can sit longer.... but right now I need your suggestions.

I woke up with a bit of lower back pain yesterday, today it's severe. I haven't done anything to injure it, well not since putting together Flobed Monday night, but wouldn't that have acted up by now?. I will call Dewey tomorrow, but for tonight hubby is determined to change some layers to try to help. Trouble is we don't know what to try.

Bed is soft, over medium, over firm. I sleep alone so we have two of each layer.  Hubby would like me to ask your opinions on what he should swap. Not worrying about nerves in hips for now, just lower back pain.

5' 7" 128lbs.

I've always had deep sympathy for those with back pain, I now have empathy.

Thank you my friends,
Re: Need help with Flobed and back pain, Please!
Reply #1 Feb 28, 2010 1:16 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Natalie, I am sure your bed is very comfortable but too soft for sleeping in it all night.  I would put a firm on the bottom and in the middle with a medium on top under your topper on one side to try it out this way first.  If this is still too soft, then put the medium on the bottom and two firm's on top under the topper on the side you are trying out.

Please keep us updated.

Re: Need help with Flobed and back pain, Please!
Reply #2 Feb 28, 2010 1:53 PM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
I also thought your configuration seemed fairly soft (however I weigh more than you, so not directly comparable).  My instinct would be to go firmer as well.
Re: Need help with Flobed and back pain, Please!
Reply #3 Feb 28, 2010 2:32 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Natalie: I would first try, medium, over medium, over firm. See how that feels for one night. If it doesn't help any, in other words you can feel no difference at all, then I would try medium, or firm, over firm. And then I would stay with that for several nights, three or four at least. If it still is not firm enough, move the medium piece to the bottom and have Firm, over Firm, over Medium.

Another thought.

You may have injured yourself when putting your bed together. If you know a good chiropractor go to this person and let them manipulate your back. But first of all move the layers as I have suggested.

But as I and others have stated, the soft layer, I feel, is just way too soft for most peoples spines. You might find that medium, over firm, over extra firm, is the best configurable for you. But since you don't have an extra firm piece, and you do have the other latex pieces, try the configurations I have suggested.

Natalie, there are many configurations you can try, but excluding the soft piece is the best thing you can do. It is way to soft to give any support for the vast majority of people. It is fine to have a soft piece of latex like the 2 inch convoluted piece on the top of all FloBeds. This gives you that little bit of soft feel, but it does not provide any support whatsoever, at least that's my feeling about it.

For people who are 150 pounds up my guess is that medium is not all that supportive, particularly if it is a piece like the one I received that is on the lower end of the medium range. Latex International market it at 26.2 ILD. This is the very bottom in of the medium-range. If you were to get a medium piece at the top end of the range then you really have a "soft piece of firm" (30ILD). I have just found for myself, at over 200 pounds, that firm and extra firm layering of the natural latex is what I need. One side of my California King mattress is F/F/XF the other side is F/XF/XF. I usually go to sleep on the softer side and many times by the early morning hours I have shifted over to the firmer side. It works for me.

Post back and let us know what happens.
This message was modified Feb 28, 2010 by eagle2
Re: Need help with Flobed and back pain, Please!
Reply #4 Feb 28, 2010 4:44 PM
Joined: Dec 29, 2009
Points: 57

I am a little heavier than you (especially lately! :) ) but am 5'7" and about 138.  I like it firmer too.  I currently have a Firm VZone on top (but softened it up a bit)/Medium center and an XF on bottom.  Before I got the VZone, my bed was Medium on top/Firm/XF on bottom which was pretty close to great.  I just needed a little firmer support in my lumbar (which could be your problem) while softer for my hips and shoulders.  So, I concur with others above....I would try going as firm as you can make it right now based on the layers you have available.. I guess that would be the Medium over Firm over Firm.  You might find you would like the XF base as well. 

But don't fret, I think the issue also is that at first it just feels so great after having slept on something inferior so long that anything is you are spending more time in the bed and are noticing the nuances.  It just takes a little time.  I'm still tweaking mine almost two months into it.

Good luck!


This message was modified Feb 28, 2010 by TJ12
Re: Need help with Flobed and back pain, Please!
Reply #5 Mar 1, 2010 6:33 AM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
not sure about the bed but  5'7" - 128 lbs, you are looking good kiddo 
Re: Need help with Flobed and back pain, Please!
Reply #6 Mar 1, 2010 10:16 AM
Joined: Jan 18, 2010
Points: 143
Hello everyone,

My lower back feels about 85% better thanks to your help!

We seriously had no idea what to do. With all the different options.... we didn't know where to start.

After reading your suggestions, we went with medium, over medium, over firm - for now. It was a smaller adjustment to try, and much easier for hubby to move just a few layers.

You are all so right! With the soft layer on top, my bed was wonderfully comfy, and offered such great relief for fibromyalgia pressure points and aching soft tissue, right down to my ankles and heel pain. Felt so good, and as I've never had any chronic back pain, I forgot about keeping the old spine aligned! (Duh!)

Medium on top, pressure points aren't as happy, but are not bad either, and lower back seems much happier today. Now, I can't be certain after only one night, but my hips had no pain last night. (coincidence or cure?)

eagle - you said it so well on my other thread. "I think the biggest mistake we all make, as I have stated many times before, is that we want our beds to be so cuddly, cushy, and soft. If I could make some magical arrangement where I could lay down on this soft cuddly floating cloud of a mattress, and still get the kind of proper support for my spine that would keep it aligned, I would do it in a heartbeat."

Also, I kept thinking yesterday, what if I had just exchanged the TP for something else and had this problem? If not for you, I wouldn't have a Flobed to swap layers on and would just be stuck with yet another bad mattress, not to mention being out thousands of dollars... again!

Lynn- thank you so much too! I just don't know if my fibro will tolerate two firm layers, but If my back isn't happy I will certainly be trying it.

TJ12 - I am definitely interested in trying the vZone. It sounds like it may be easier for hubby to "tweak", with true customization. I will be calling Dewey as soon as I know my back is fixed. Do you use it directly under the convoluted topper?

Randy - Thanks for the nice compliment. It helps that you're wearing

Very, very gratefully to you all,
This message was modified Mar 1, 2010 by Natalia
Re: Need help with Flobed and back pain, Please!
Reply #7 Mar 1, 2010 11:40 AM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Congratulations Natalie! I am so glad you have found some relief! Thank you for the kind words.

Don't be afraid to firm it up some more if your current configuration begins to give you any back pain. You might possibly be right about the VZone. When it comes to changing layers it is a whole lot easier to move them around on that top VZone layer than having to shift top to bottom layers. For me at least, this would be its most attractive feature. Trying to move a bunch of layers can get to be a real pain, both psychologically, and physically. I know from whence I speak!
Re: Need help with Flobed and back pain, Please!
Reply #8 Mar 1, 2010 1:58 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Natalie, Your welcome. You did make the change as I indicated also just a different configuration based on my experiences of needing a firmer bed to not have back pain. But we all knew you had to go firmer for your lower back.  I guess I was thinking that you had all that softness with that wonderful convoluted topper that I loved but my back did not.  If I was not so petite (less than 5 feet), I would have sunk more in the soft topper and it would have been nice but I need less cushion to feel the support underneath so I went firmer.  But I am glad we could all help you. I am also glad I went with a company that I could move the layers around to get the bed just right for me than be stuck with another uncomfortable bed.

Please keep us updated.

This message was modified Mar 1, 2010 by Lynn2006
Re: Need help with Flobed and back pain, Please!
Reply #9 Mar 1, 2010 4:57 PM
Joined: Dec 29, 2009
Points: 57
eagle2 wrote:
Congratulations Natalie! I am so glad you have found some relief! Thank you for the kind words.

Don't be afraid to firm it up some more if your current configuration begins to give you any back pain. You might possibly be right about the VZone. When it comes to changing layers it is a whole lot easier to move them around on that top VZone layer than having to shift top to bottom layers. For me at least, this would be its most attractive feature. Trying to move a bunch of layers can get to be a real pain, both psychologically, and physically. I know from whence I speak!

eagle2...Good points...glad to see you're finally seeing the light on the VZone!!   LOL
Re: Need help with Flobed and back pain, Please!
Reply #10 Mar 1, 2010 5:09 PM
Joined: Dec 29, 2009
Points: 57

Glad all is going much more comfortably for you.  I really do like the VZone as does my husband.  Yes, it goes under the convoluted topper and is as eagle2 said, is very easy to adjust sections around v. a whole layer.  At one time, I was told I might have Fibromyalgia too, (but I ignored the diagnosis! LOL [ok, maybe it isn't so funny! ]) so I understand the discomforts you are feeling in different parts of your body.   I have them too, pressure points in my hips, shoulder, heels, and back of knees and woke up in a lot of pain until I got the VZone which came after my original FloBed did.    I find that the VZone is just perfect for people like us with these complaints since you can customize each section to what that particular part of the body needs which seems to be a bit different than having back pain only (although my lumbar also acts up!) .  I.E.  My hips need firm, my shoulder likes it softer, and the back of my knees and heels like it softer (oooh the feet are tough!). 

So, yes, I really think you should go for it.  (And you can get it just on your side, your husband doesn't need to if he's happy with his side.)  Also, consider an even firmer bottom layer once you get past this painful/adjustment period after yesterday's fix.

Hope this input helps.  Good luck!


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