Need a mattress for a heavy husband
May 21, 2011 4:44 PM
Joined: May 21, 2011
Points: 1
I weigh 150lbs my husband is 300lbs. We need a mattress that will not break down under his weight. Can anyone suggest a brand name and style.
Re: Need a mattress for a heavy husband
Reply #1 May 22, 2011 8:21 AM
Joined: Apr 15, 2011
Points: 163
Well, I can suggest that you may need something that you can customize on both sides because of the diffence in yours and your husband's weight and probably your preferences, too.  I would suggest you not look for a brand name and style so much as do your homework to find out what feels goot to both of you, and then decide what mattress brand or combination if you end up with a DIY situation will meet those needs in your price range. Unfortunately, it's not so simple as finding a "brand" anymore, and if you do that, chances are you will end up unhappy with your purchase down the road. This forum has a lot of information and it does take time and research to figure out what will work for you. Look at the recommendation from good old Phoenix on this page - he describes a 5-step process for figuring out what you want, and then how to get it. It's really the best way to go unless you want to make a gamble. And remember that both and your husband may like something different but it is possible to get both your preferences met by customizing both sides in today's market, but it won't happen unless you put in the effort to identify what you like and then find out who sells it and for how much.

Hope this helps!



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