Aug 29, 2010 5:27 PM
Joined: Jan 22, 2010
Points: 12

             looking to get a light, but warm comforter, thinking down, we have a king bed, maybe getting to queen or full size comforter, so we can at least throw them in the laundry here, is down just dry clean? maybe you have some deals on the net. the one we have now is a king, and heavy,    not down.. figure instead of the King, split 2 up would be ok, for cleaning, she might want hers on, and I might not, instead of throwing the king off me on to her,,, LOL, geee maybe we should get separate beds, another LOL, she snores to much anyway.... any suggestions would be appreciated,

Reply #1 Aug 29, 2010 6:07 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 404
Down can be very warm, so get a summer weight one.  (I've given up on down, I get too hot under even the lightest).  There are down "blankets" which might be worth a look at.  Down is launderable, just make sure you get the right detergent (usually need to go to an outdoor supply place and get what they sell for down sleeping bags).  But be forewarned that laundering and drying down is a big pain in the butt.  You need to rinse really, really well.  And keeping the down from bunching up when tumbling in the dryer is another problem.  I always dread when our down sleeping bags need to be cleaned.

Natura wool comforters are nice and not too, too expensive.  We use these on our beds.  We use the all-season one in our basement bedroom year-round because it is colder and the summer weight one upstairs year-round.  They are dry clean only, but because we keep them in washable cotton duvet covers, this is not an issue.  They don't get dirty and I will throw them into the dryer about every 2-3 months to freshen them up, whereas the duvet covers get laundered weekly.  Another option would be a silk filled one - there is one being offered at Costco right now but the packages felt quite heavy when I checked them out so I don't know how light they are.

Synthetic filled ones can be a little bulkier than the natural filled ones so can be more of a challenge for laundering but at least you know all the synthetic filled ones are indeed washable. 

If you get a queen comforter for your king bed, and only have one, you will find you are fighting over the comforter because there will not be enough drape over the edges and someone will be short-changed during the night.  If you are thinking smaller than king, then yes you should get two so each of you have your own.  If you are going to have 2 separate comforters on the king, I would suggest you go with doubles/full.  I think 2 queens would be too cumbersome.

Hope this gives you some ideas. 

Reply #2 Aug 30, 2010 1:46 AM
Joined: Jan 22, 2010
Points: 12
yes Diane very good info, we will think about it, and thanks for all the idea's, and the time to explain different covers.

you have some good points

Reply #3 Aug 30, 2010 7:05 AM
Joined: Mar 14, 2010
Points: 185
I have a king size down blanket that I find very versatile. I can fold it in half if I need something a little warmer. Or not, to stay cooler. In the winter, a cotton duvet cover adds more layers for more warmth. I like it a lot.

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