Never-ending problems with my Flobed. Please help!
Feb 15, 2011 3:26 PM
Joined: Feb 15, 2011
Points: 2
Hello everyone! I have been reading this forum for a while, but I just signed up so that I could get some advice from you guys.


Here is my story: I am 26, 5'7, 145lbs, and I prefer firmer sleeping surfaces.

I used to have a tempurpedic mattress a long time ago, really liked it, except the warmth aspect (would wake up sweating).

After a lot of research, I settled on a Flobed full latex bed. I started out with a F-M-S configuration that was way too soft for my taste. After a few exchanges I ended up at SuperFirm-XF-F.

I like the firmer feeling but here is the problem: when I go to bed, I start laying on my back, and even this very firm configuration, my hips sink too much, like a hammock, and I feel a strong pain in my lower back (lumbars) after only 10min or so.

I called Flobeds and they recommended I try the V-zone (for more lumbar support). Which I did (SF-XF-V-zone and also F-M-V-zone). Now I have a different problem. The lumbar pain is gone (great!), but I have not been able to get a good night's sleep in over a month! I wake up every single night in the middle of the night (around 3 or 4am). UNEXPLICABLY. As a result I always wake up very tired and I am extremely frustrated with my bed. I don't even wake up with any specific pain. Maybe it's just some kind of discomfort?

I have tried many configurations, including moving the V-zone layer down, without success. (At the middle layer I still wake up in the middle of the night, and at the bottom layer I can't even feel it anymore and the hammocking problem appears again).

I am thinking about keeping the V-zone configuration but adding a Memory Foam topper (like the Sensus one) to reduce the waking up in the middle of the night problem. I don't even know if that is a good idea...


I love the Flobeds latex kit concept, but I haven't been able to make it work for me. I would welcome any advice!! I am very frustrated and very tired of not sleeping... :)

Re: Never-ending problems with my Flobed. Please help!
Reply #1 Feb 15, 2011 5:04 PM
Joined: Aug 5, 2010
Points: 227
Since you had no pain, you should consider that maybe you have a medical or other problem waking you up.  A mattress can't cure all the problems related to getting a good night's sleep.  It's just a guess but one worth considering.
Re: Never-ending problems with my Flobed. Please help!
Reply #2 Feb 15, 2011 7:34 PM
Joined: Jan 12, 2011
Points: 5
I don't know that I can help much, except to say that I am having the exact same problem you describe with my Flobeds vZone mattress.  I wake up inexplicably at night, don't necessarily feel any pain, but it's just that something isn't quite right.  We have about a week and a half left of our trial period, and, I hate to say it, the mattress is going to have to go back.  I have tried every configuration Dewey or I could come up with, including various confiugurations with and without the vZone layer, swapping vZones around, and even trying a different foundation.  Nothing works.  The configuration I am on now is the closest I have come to "perfect" but even that is not perfect.  If the mattress is too firm, I wake up feeling like I've been in a boxing match with my mattress all night.  If it is too soft, I get that hammocking problem you describe.  I've tried firm lumbar support, medium lumbar support, moving the vZone layer up and down, taking it out completely . . . and as if that weren't complicated enough, we have a euro slat foundation, so that has added a whole other dimension to figure out.  One thing I have noticed with the vZone mattress that really bothers me is that if I am not sleeping on exactly the right spot, I wake up hurting.  The "spot" is easy enough to find, but staying there is another thing, as inevitably, something starts aching a little or I feel like something's sticking into me and I move off of it.  To make matters worse, I just started getting tingling in my arms again, and have started waking up with headaches . . . I'm almost positive this is from pressure points I'm getting with this current configuration.  I am done.  I'm not wrestling with it any more.  I am craving a good night's sleep, and am not getting it on this mattress.

I am devastated I can't get this mattress to work for me.  I, like you, love the concept.  I thought since I'm a side-sleeper, that the vZone mattress would be perfect for me.  I just couldn't see how a slab of foam would provide enough support for me.  Well, I should have listened to my gut instinct.  I don't know if it's just talalay latex I am having a problem with, or if I would have the same issue with dunlop, but I don't even want to try any more.  I am that put off by latex.  I love Flobeds, and have received nothing but amazing customer service from them throughout this whole process, which is making it that much more difficult to say "enough is enough."  But I need sleep, and I'm just not going to get it on latex.

That said, I wish I could offer some advice.  A topper might help.  One thing Dewey told me when I was considering adding a topper to my mattress is that a topper is meant to provide pressure point relief, not support.  So, if you feel that your mattress is not supporting you properly, then a topper won't help.  It will likely just make matters worse for you.  If you feel like the mattress is supporting you properly, but that you might benefit from an extra layer of comfort, then definitely get a topper.  If you are looking for a topper that won't make you overheat at night, you might want to consider wool.  It breathes, unlike foam, and also wicks moisture away from the body, so it might be a better option for you if you tend to sleep hot.

The only other thing I can think to ask is have you tried moving the zones in the vZone layer around a bit?  Maybe one of the zones is just a tad too soft or too firm?  Dewey can and will send you separate zones so you can customize the vZone layer to your needs . . . my husband had to replace a medium zone with a soft one, and Dewey sent that out for free.  I had to move my zones around quite a bit to get it to where I could sleep on it.  I would leave the lumbar support alone, but maybe if you tweak the rest of the zones a little bit, you might find something that works better for you.

Re: Never-ending problems with my Flobed. Please help!
Reply #3 Feb 16, 2011 11:32 AM
Joined: Feb 15, 2011
Points: 2
I am very sure I don't have any medical problem or other. I sleep the whole night but wake up with back pains without the V-zone. And every single night when I have the V-zone at the top or middle layer, I wake up in the middle of the night, very tired, consistently and unexplicably...

I feel like I have good support with the V-zone (I don't have any back pains). But there has to be something wrong with comfort for me not to be abe to sleep more than 4 or 5 hours straight on it without waking up.

I could try to move the zones around but I don't know where to start since I don't feel any specific discomfort when I lay on it.

I feel very hopeless!

Re: Never-ending problems with my Flobed. Please help!
Reply #4 Feb 16, 2011 12:22 PM
Joined: Jan 26, 2011
Points: 32
hello,.. im amazed on how some people (like my wife and i) and you have the same prob with latex, my wife and spent alot of money on a top of the line latex bed and ended up trying different latex toppers to try and get the (why am i not sleeping) problem resolved. we tried putting 21ild 19ild and even 14 ild latex and we were still having prob trying to get a full night sleep i think some people just have to either get used to it or to use latex as a foundation or support for the matress than add other toppers to it to get the right feel.

we have tried everything that we could try even wool toppers and seems for us .. that we have ended up using 10 inches of firm latex and then 1 inch latex  pieces of 21 or 19 and finally 1,2,or even 3 inch 5lb memory foam for the top comfort layer and it has helped us.. we are now sleeping all night again, even though we havent gotting the perfect density of memory foam we are not waking up in the middle of the night wondering why we are staring at the ceiling .

We have had many other beds  including tp, simmons nxg, and sterns and foster and trying them all i would say (and this is just my opinion) that after a year or two on these other beds the bed began to break down somewhat or leave big body impressions, or just get to hard from the the wool or cotton that would compress down to nothing. we have found that latex will last longer then most anything on the market, that being said by adding a top comfort layer to your bed even if the the topper brakes down over years of sleeping on it, you can purchase another topper "not the whole bed" the latex, if firm enough, will last a very long time.

so what i guess im trying to say is flobed has a good concept and works for thousands of people howver if it doesnt work try adding some kind of topper on it to get a different feel.. almost anybed you buy will have the same foundation wether it be springs, very firm density foam ,or latex you have the best i believe they make as far as a foundation now just try adding 1 or 2 inch toppers to see if you can create the perfect mattress for you . some people can buy a mattress and sleep on it for 10 years and other people can buy 20 and never get that right feel. maybe i am wrong and im sure i will hear about it but its just my opinion. thanks for your time and good luck i hope you can find something that will work for you.

Re: Never-ending problems with my Flobed. Please help!
Reply #5 Feb 16, 2011 8:36 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793

I am totally satisified with my FloBed but I had times where I was going to give up. I never tried the V-Zone since I felt it was good in theory but if I moved out of the exact spot, it would not work.

I had to buy my own 1" soft natural latex topper to be comfortable and switch all my layers to Super Firm at the bottom, XF and then XF.  Firm was too soft despite how comfortable it was when I first lied down. I needed the topper for a little bit of cushion on my pressure points but then I needed the firmness everwhere else.  I would aks for a thinner soft topper and try my way with two XF's and one Super Firm in the formula.

Let us know what you decide to do. It is so frustrating.

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